Funniest TV Scenes

When I saw the thread title, this is the scene I thought of.
I gave serious consideration to Vitameatavegamin but eventually settled on the chocolate factory. After all, 9 out of 10 women say chocolate is better than sex; eating chocolate is certainly more fun than taking your vitamins! :LOL:
I'm not a fan of Lucy, but I remember laughing so hard at the Vitameatavegamin that my sides hurt.

My personal favorite Taxi episode was Zen and the Art of Cab Driving.

YouTube - Taxi: The Art Of Cab Driving 3/3

To this day I can't decide whether they should be Delawarians or Delawarites. :LOL:

I was also a big fan of Barney Miller, which I never thought got the respect it deserved.
I was also a big fan of Barney Miller, which I never thought got the respect it deserved.

You're right about that. Mostly it was lower key humor, but Yemana (Jack Soo) and the hash brownie scene was a hoot. I can't find it on youtube.

Yemana also had one of my favorite lines ever. When some guy who said he was a werewolf got himself locked up, and started to go crazy in the cage and let out a big howl, as everyone else stood there looking shocked and worried, Soo deadpanned "I'll go get some papers to put down".
My favorite was the episode on "WKRP in Cincinnati" in which the station concocted the idea of a "turkey drop" in which people from the station went up in a hot air balloon and dropped frozen turkeys.

Except Herb got it wrong, and dropped live turkeys, not knowing they couldn't fly. Les Nessman, the newsman, reported live from the scene, "Oh, the horror, the horror. They are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!"

YouTube - WKRP Turkey Drop "As God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly"
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