Getting your money's worth from SS

I think the U.S has enough problems to solve that are here today, without worrying about something that May Happen 20-30 years down the road.

Perhaps a lot of the folks who harp on the future fiscal soundness of SS, use that as a facade, to express their dislike of paying FICA taxes and the government giving out checks to people. I think they don't like the program, wish it would go away, and taking the "running out of money" position is a convenient way of hiding their true feelings and intent.
The following excerpt comes from Web site.

The combined asset reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2034, one year later than projected last year, with 79 percent of benefits payable at that time. The DI Trust Fund will become depleted in 2016, unchanged from last year’s estimate, with 81 percent of benefits still payable.

Most of us do not have to worry about the DI Fund, only the OASDI. We still have 19 years for Congress to do something. And even if they don't do anything, we still get 79% of benefit. People with the LBYM attitude are not going to have to relocate to under a bridge with a 21% cut, I don't think.

So, in the mean time, let's just party. Many of us will not be around in 19 years anyway, despite the popular wish of living till 105.
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Perhaps a lot of the folks who harp on the future fiscal soundness of SS, use that as a facade, to express their dislike of paying FICA taxes and the government giving out checks to people. I think they don't like the program, wish it would go away, and taking the "running out of money" position is a convenient way of hiding their true feelings and intent.

Well that statement certainly does not apply to folks that are receiving and/or will receive SS benefits in the next several years:cool:

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