Got myself into a sticky wicket

I retired at the end of December. I get a pension and SSA that more than covers my monthly expenses and normal maintenance/emergencies. I also have a 457b account that I don’t plan on using unless it becomes necessary.

So, my problem? I was offered a job making a lot of money on top of my pension. I’m single and this is the first time I have had what equates to 2 incomes.
The money is great. The job-I hate. I don’t like it at all. I also adapted to being retired really well. I like being able to do what I want during the week and not cramming everything in on the weekends. I’m tired of rushing around.
Maybe if I liked the work I would feel differently. But here I am in this spot of needing to either quit or figure this job out.
I feel guilty about leaving people high and dry but not enough to stay.
Any words of wisdom or kick in the pants you would like to say will actually be appreciated!

I think this is more of a PSA post- don’t be me. Once retired stay that way.

Leave. It will make you happy. And only you can be in command of your own happiness. I had a job I didn't like and it was more my manager than anything. So I quit, but first I found a new job, worked two jobs until they were onto me. Some might call it burning the bridge, I called it doing what I want because I can.
Update. Because I’m sure you are all wondering. [emoji12]
I submitted my 2 week notice with my last day being 4-15-22.
Offered to leave sooner and it may end up with me leaving at the end of this week which suits me just fine.
Thanks for all of the advice. I read and appreciated all of them.
Update. Because I’m sure you are all wondering. [emoji12]
I submitted my 2 week notice with my last day being 4-15-22.
Offered to leave sooner and it may end up with me leaving at the end of this week which suits me just fine.
Thanks for all of the advice. I read and appreciated all of them.

Good call. You won't regret it.
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