Greetings From Alabama


Confused about dryer sheets
Mar 28, 2014
Just joined this forum, don’t know why it took me so long, go figure. My name is Jeff and I live in Madison, AL, and plan on retiring here. I lived in Seattle for most of my life working for Boeing and then transferred out here in 07. Job sucks but it pays the bills and gets me closer to where I can cut the chains.
The reason I joined is to gain some great insight on real past experiences and or knowledge from people who are in the same situation that I am in. I’m 55, hoping to be free at 62 or sooner, between my annuity’s, 401K’s, and my IRA’s; I think I will need 1.2 to 1.5 to retire on. Hope I can gain some insight here to help me achieve my goal. Oh yeah I do take hands!!
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Huntsville is a beautiful town in a great area. For me because the National Speleological Society is located there and many great caves are nearby. I looked at north AR and north AL as a location to move but there is not enough altitude to make the summers bearable. So, we went to western NC at 3200 feet. Spring comes a bit later but there are four definite seasons. Had a good friend that moved from Huntsville to Seattle (not to work for Boeing). Says he has not found anything there that he doesn't like, though the cost of living is somewhat higher.
Welcome...we're just a bit south of you in the Birmingham area. We occasionally wander up your way to shop at Redstone Arsenal.

I have found this forum and to be great resources concerning retirement and many other financial topics.

Here's to reaching your goal on time or earlier.
Welcome to the forum, treblig.

I lived in Huntsville between 2005 and 2012. I still have significant ties to the area (friends, family, a house). It's high on my list of possible retirement locations.
Congratulations on your soon to be retirement.

I was born in Huntsville when my dad moved from Seattle to build Rockets. Then moved back to Seattle where I grew up and still live.

Good to know Alabama might be a good possible retirement local, maybe I'll be back.
Welcome to the forum, treblig.

I lived in Huntsville between 2005 and 2012. I still have significant ties to the area (friends, family, a house). It's high on my list of possible retirement locations.

*IF* DW and I ever move from our current location, I think Huntsville is probably first on the list because of her family. Both brothers live there, suspect her parents will move there when they finally retire, and it's a pretty easy one-day drive to my parents and our alma mater (football, tailgating).

I can see us living there: there's enough golf and cycling opportunities around to keep me happy!
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