Happen to know if i should paint metal drip edge/bird stop?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 22, 2017
I have had 3 painters out to give me quotes and 1 said paint, one said don't and one just said up to you.

I mean from a longevity perspective. Obviously it would look better painted than to be a vastly different color than the fascia but I can pick paint to accommodate that too.

Too dark to take a photo but here is link to what I mean. My old roof did not have anything in that spot under the tile. https://eagleroofing.com/products/components-systems/bird-stop-eave-closure/

I have another quote coming and thus probably another opinion. At first I thought don't paint it until it falls apart but it is like wait the garage door is metal and it is painted just fine. . . .
The ones on my house were never painted, all the homes in my neighborhood have tile roofs and doubt anyone else has either. They are a dark color and kind of disappear in the shadow of the overhanging tiles, not sure what the benefit would be to paint it.
Once you paint or stain, you will now have something to maintain.
They put white in on mine it is very very obvious. No I was not asked in advance. The contract said it would be added if it was available to fit my tiles per roofing code and I thought no more about it. I didn't realize what it would look like or that there were colors. From the picture online above it looks smaller and blends better than mine. My neighbors have not redone the roofs yet. Of course now I wished I'd asked about it but I didn't know I didn't know.

They said they "did me a favor" since the fascia is currently white. Well right but the paint scheme is old and needs updated and I'd have wanted a shadowed look. Paying the roofers to come back and change it is not really in the cards when it has been what a week? two? Not to mention I wasn't crazy about the roofer to begin with after they had to come back and fix the tile and he also said if you don't like it white use paint They looked baffled that I even asked. Well . . . right. I get it. Just a thing to work around.

Leaving it alone and changing my paint choice might be best option. A few searches show similar questions from people but most seem to not paint.
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