I was planning on giving 2 weeks notice at the beginning of January. I am
waiting until then due to some medical issues that I am finishing up. A Little background. I work in high tech in a team where I am about 20 years older than everyone else including my manager. I have been passed over for promotions and have been given really bottom of the barrel assignments lately whereas a few years ago was one of the key developers.
I haven't told my manager and only plan on giving 2 weeks notice, however they have sprung a self-evaluation form as part of the year end review process and the questions include my career goals for next year as well as 3 to 5 years down the road as well as my accomplishments. As well as what I think of my managers management style. I don't want to lie or burn bridges. How should I handle this?
waiting until then due to some medical issues that I am finishing up. A Little background. I work in high tech in a team where I am about 20 years older than everyone else including my manager. I have been passed over for promotions and have been given really bottom of the barrel assignments lately whereas a few years ago was one of the key developers.
I haven't told my manager and only plan on giving 2 weeks notice, however they have sprung a self-evaluation form as part of the year end review process and the questions include my career goals for next year as well as 3 to 5 years down the road as well as my accomplishments. As well as what I think of my managers management style. I don't want to lie or burn bridges. How should I handle this?