Health insurance increase 265%

Strike that - no sympathy from me. :( I'll be paying almost double that for a high deductible plan.

I know that we are extremely fortunate. :)

The DB pension plan for existing employees was axed a few months ago (converted to cash balance), so every year they keep the retiree health insurance is a nice bonus, which we "spend" on vacations.
Got my premium increase notice from Aetna this week. Just turned 55 and it went up ~7.4% from $191 to $205 per month for a $5.5K HSA HDHP.
Just got my annual insurance increase (I have an individual policy with BCBS).

The increase is about 8%. From about $240/month to $260/month
The premium for the kids and I (DH just moved to medicare) has gone up 265% from 180 a month to around $478.

Actually, the increase is 165%, not 265%

(478/180) - 1 = 2.65 - 1 = 1.65 = 165%

Still a big increase, but I felt compelled to point out the arithmetical error. ;)
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