hello from Palomalou


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 22, 2010
I'm an academic who plans to exit the "ivory tower" (no such thing, in my experience) in a year at the age of 57. Adorable spouse, no kids. Having had four huge health crises (1991, 1992, 1995, and 2009) I want to make sure I HAVE some retirement! Didn't save enough in the 90s, because with my health so dicey, there wasn't much motivation. We'll move back to NYC and probably do a bit of part-time stuff, which I understand isn't really "retirement", but will accomplish my/our goals. Glad to meet you all!
Welcome! "Part-time stuff" is not a disqualifier around here - after 6+ months of decompression (from corporate life) I'm planning to start some consulting and/or teaching.

NYC sounds like a challenging place for ER with limited savings. (Our DD who is about to graduate from college wants to work there but affording it is a major issue even though she considers Goodwilll a high end store.)

Good luck in your †ransi†ion, there are lots of good folks here!!!
Welcome. Sorry to hear about your health issues, but less stress has gotta help and certainly can't hurt.
Thanks! While some might consider our savings limited, ORP and Firecalc say it's doable, with a significant increase in our current budget. We have bought an apartment there about a year ago. But I'm open to deciding based on what's going on next spring in the economy and working an additional year or two if things look questionable.
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