Hi from New York’s high taxes, 61yo.

Greetings from NJ. We have 4 seasons and lots of sand. I'll stop while we're ahead!
Well, I’ve moved the TRowe funds today. Yay! I’ll meet with the free advisor they offer st Fidelity. Working on updating will, POA...too. Plan to pay debt this year, then increase the contribution to the 401k I have at work next year.[/QUOTEE

Excellent! Paying off the debt will allow you to then put that extra money into retirement and savings. It will also decrease your monthly expenses and give you a feeling of accomplishment/freedom.

Also the daughters should be (for the most part) self-sufficient by retirement.

So, but the time you retire, your expenses should be less, and your savings more. (Also, don't forget to calculate your income on the basis of one spouse. While we always hope both spouses live happily and healthy to their 110th birthday, and pass in their sleep holding hands, sometimes one goes before the other.)

Thank you for reply. One daughter is on her own, just terrific. The other has a year left. Calculating for one is smart....didn't really think that possibility. After more time on this forum, I will work more (or find a supplement income somewhere :))
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