Hi! I was directed to this site after a search, and it's very helpful!

Betty Noir

Confused about dryer sheets
Aug 27, 2013
You never know where those searches will take you.

I was lucky enough to have been able to retire early and am thoroughly enjoying it. Hope to find a lot of info here and contribute, too.
You never know where those searches will take you.

I was lucky enough to have been able to retire early and am thoroughly enjoying it. Hope to find a lot of info here and contribute, too.

This is a great community, welcome to it.

Betty Black, welcome to the forum. We hope you'll find it useful and entertaining, and look forward to your contributions!
Welcome aboard, Betty! Loads of great info here. Look forward to seeing your contributions, too, as one who has made it to RE.

Welcome, Betty!

I found this site during my last week of work: wished I had found it sooner. Over the past year, since then, it has been just as educational as the various books and magazines that teach one about retirement.

I hope it is as helpful to you as it has been to so many others!



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