Hi - new ER

"Sometimes the only way to win is to not play the game..." War Games.
5. Does your DW's screen name start with a letter from a to d?
justin said:
5.  Does your DW's screen name start with a letter from a to d?

5. No

That's enough alphabetic iterations - use some better logic. Someone has already done so.
F M All said:
5. No

That's enough alphabetic iterations - use some better logic. Someone has already done so.

You know I'll get the first letter in a couple more questions. But I'll be a sport and stop that line of questioning.

You didn't respond to Martha's question - is your DW JJ?
Yes. Martha is a great legal mind with a good memory!
Anyone who mentions three teenagers in the same breath with ER gets my attention. :)
Dang! I want to play too. Is she animal, vegatable or mineral? :)

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