Ho Hum S&P down 6.12% to 806.58

If firecalc said your portfolio could survive the great depression and the stagflation of the 70's, then we aren't close to an issue yet here. It just hurts to look.

I keep telling myself that... but losing close to 30% of our portfolio in the first 7 months of early retirement! (we called it a sabbatical, but we were really hoping it would be ER for good). Its hard to keep faith in some numeric exercise that uses historic data.

The thing that keeps me going (and not selling out) is the fact that I'm 48 and can go back to work. Not yet though.. got plans through next May.
Down and deep like everyone. Gonna go open a nice chianti for dinner, toast to all of us.

Here's to the retired and the almost-retired, joint-victims (along with many others) of this bruising market. But we've got a roof over our heads, food on the table, cars that go, and a good life still.

We'll get through this monster. Count your blessings.
Down and deep like everyone. Gonna go open a nice chianti for dinner, toast to all of us.

Here's to the retired and the almost-retired, joint-victims (along with many others) of this bruising market. But we've got a roof over our heads, food on the table, cars that go, and a good life still.

We'll get through this monster. Count your blessings.
TY for the toast.
I am alive.
I am in love.
I have survived far worse than NAV numbers going kaboom.
Holy Moley:eek: I couldn't resist any longer and punched the figures in - down $290K ytd - at this rate I'll lose my millionaire status by year end :(

Oh well, easy come, easy go. I think I'll make like Hankster's avatar and go stick my head back in the sand.
Originally Posted by laurence
I can still afford to buy wine for DW, and when DW has wine she sometimes lets me see boobies! >:D :D

If I drink enough wine I see boobies without anyone else around :D
Ha, I like a naughty boy myself.... and something to make us laugh is always in good taste (throwing a softball out there)
The mods have given us a little more room for sexual banter, since the rest of life is so annoying these days.

Anyway, sounds good to this old man.

sex, money, and in-laws.
we don't have common in-laws to complain about, our money is disappearing, so what's left to talk about? :D
keep it clean and dance on the edge of the sword. >:D
We got lucky selling the big house in late 2005 for lifestyle reasons but like everyone else getting hammered on investments. The worst is VGTSX, man that thing went from the star of my portfolio to the dog among dogs in no time.

Bright side = we're both in peak earnings years and still employed so leaning on the "buying cheap" mantra even if it does sometimes feel like the band playing on the deck of the Titanic these days.

I'll join in the toasts, make mine a Heineken Light, something I've recently discovered I like very much.
So, lets see.

In the past 25 years I have experienced a civil uprising, martial law, armed violent military takeover. I have been threatened by both secret police and military (as in, you're gonna disappear or such) . I lived through a banking system collapse, three maxi devaluations, currency controls that effectively reduced by 90% the hard currency value of my entire net worth. Twice.

After the banking system collapsed - which made up about 25% of our entire company revenue stream - my US based boss said to me - in front of the entire staff - that I was exaggerating to compensate for not being good enough in sales (I was sales manager) - and then tried to fire me.

The apartment we planned on retiring to was sold at a substantial loss - and our entire retirement plan fell apart when a country transformed from paradise to $hit.

I was in a plane that landed in foam because the wheels didn't descend properly, another plane that landed and ran off the runway.

My wife was kidnapped , my daughter declared brain dead at birth. I was held up, my son held up twice.

So, today my wife and I are healthy (well, relatively at least) my daughter (the one mentioned above) now grown, quite beautiful and working at Wachovia , another daughter expecting, my son getting married and moving to japan. We catered an 80th birthday party for my mother last december - a real blast with mariachis and a great meal. Life is good.

No a$$hole boss, we have a nice house, no debt, eat well, drink well, enjoy the family like never before. Actually, life has never been better.

In the midst of a crisis the pain is unbearable - partly from the damage done and partly due to the continuing uncertainly and fear.

There are thing you can recover from and things you can't. Financial loss isn't fun, but there are always things we can do to minimize the damage, even if that means changing plans. It's important to appreciate life and the things we have that may not be there tomorrow.
Great post, MichaelB.

You obviously have not p*ssed off God, congrats!

You obviously have not p*ssed off God, congrats!Ha
Thanks. I can tell you that I had many doubts. And still do. It just helps to keep in mind that quality of life is not about money.

Sheesh MB, you're doing ok on not being caught in an erupting volcano?

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