How do I take apart a sectional couch?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2011
Fair Lawn
My sectional is 3 pieces. I know they are connected by a pin that goes into a keyhole. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get them apart. The store I bought it from is out of business. Is there some sort of trick that I am not aware of?

This is the way mine comes apart and the type pf pins that mine has. Much easier with two people but I still struggle with it. The guy in the video does it a lot better and easier than I do.

P.S. You may have a different method of attachment... you might have to peer under the sectional or down the crack between sections with a flashlight to determine what kind of attachments you have.
This is the way mine comes apart and the type pf pins that mine has. Much easier with two people but I still struggle with it. The guy in the video does it a lot better and easier than I do.

Mine is like this as well.

This is the way mine comes apart and the type pf pins that mine has. Much easier with two people but I still struggle with it. The guy in the video does it a lot better and easier than I do.

P.S. You may have a different method of attachment... you might have to peer under the sectional or down the crack between sections with a flashlight to determine what kind of attachments you have.

Update: Finally got it apart with help from my daughter. Our attachment is different - just a straight pin that we had to lift one piece of the sectional to get it raised into the bigger part of the keyhole. My daughter saw the SECOND pin, which I had not seen, hence my difficulty. Problem solved. Thanks for the advice.
My sectional is 3 pieces. I know they are connected by a pin that goes into a keyhole. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get them apart. The store I bought it from is out of business. Is there some sort of trick that I am not aware of?
Great question, I've been pondering this recently thinking since I'm thinking about moving my furniture around and also the couch needs a good shampooing including down the sides.
When I had a sectional, the set up was similar, but there was a latch. King of like a garden gate latch that you had to flip. PITA because there were two of them on each side. Hard to do with only one person.
Is it something like this? If so, you pull straight out until you hit a stop (the flange on the pin hits the bottom part of the keyhole shape) and then lift the piece that has the pins on it up and then continue pulling to separate them.

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