How do you spend your first two hours of the day?

First cup coffee. Set toaster for bagel, log onto optionshouse, buy Tesla call or put, depending how I feel, get up, grab bagel, spread cream cheese, sit back down, check Tesla, eat bagel, get 2nd cup coffee, sell call or put if it is +$200 or more, go potty, turn off computer, go back to sleep.
Wake up 6:30, go back to sleep, get up at 8:30. Starting time not always consistent...
It is in the same place Sunny Street Cafe used to be. We were so disappointed when that place closed down as it was a perfect distance for us. 2 miles further down the road is a french cafe, on the right, and that is also excellent. We found the french cafe the day we turned up at Sunny Street Cafe on our bikes, ready to eat and found it closed :(

The Breakfast Place is very good, biscuits made fresh every day, real hash browns, excellent grits etc.

Thanks! we will certainly give it a visit soon! Even after living here since 1992, we have not really explored that end of the community much. I guess old habits are hard to break.
wake at 5:30, go to bathroom, take pills, make coffee, wake up sons, read news online for thirty minutes, wake up sons again, read some more, wait 15 minutes, wake up sons, take DS10 to school, ...oops 2 hours are up and not home yet.....
T - TH I'm usually up around 6am-ish. I make a chia seed & fruit smoothie then walk 3 miles to the gym, take 2 gentle yoga classes then meet a friend for lunch. After that I walk back to the gym and take a shower/steam room/sauna. The rest of the week varies, often I am up around 7am take the dog for a walk then maybe go for a long hike, clean the house or go to the gym.

I love being retired.
Still working...

Up at 4:30ish, maybe 4:45. Shower Make coffee/breakfast Drink and eat while updating finance spreadsheet, checking personal email (sometimes work email if there is something urgent I want to get a reply back to the US on before they quit work), checking Facebook, checking air quality, checking the news and favorite websites as time allow. Download any podcast updates in the background. Leave the house between 5:30-5:45. Catch the bus between 5:45-6:00. Listen to podcasts/doze during the hour-long trip across town. In the office ready to work at 7:00 am. Should be leaving at 3:00-3:30 pm but lately I have to work late more often than not.
Wake up around 7-7:30 and get coffee, check news, e-mail, forums, etc, followed by a one hour walk along the coast. Then it's on with the day.
Generally, I take a shower, fix some breakfast (usually oatmeal or cereal), then make some hot tea and either read, listen to music, or check my emails. All done at a leisurely pace. :)

I also find it unbelievable that your wife wakes up to kiss you goodbye at 5am. She must be a wonderful woman. :flowers:

Yep, she is a keeper. Thing is, she's up because she hits the door right behind me around 5:30 am. I'm very envious of you ER guys and gals and am working very hard to get there in the next couple of years :)
I sleep until 9:30am unless DW is very clunky and wakes me on her way out to work. Then I often spend half an hour or more catching up on the news, an/or overnight e-mails from people in the US (I'm in France), on my tablet. By the time I'm breakfasted and showered it's often 11:30. But then I stay up until 2am most nights. This time shift has been especially handy lately since I've been working with several American co-authors.

I've always admired Americans' early-morning habits; their nearest equivalents in Europe are the Germans, and more specifically the Bavarians. One of my co-authors is in Florida, 6 hours behind me; he's often up and at his computer 15 minutes after I get out of the shower.
Wake about 7am. Do 30-60 minutes of chess training. Kiss 13 yo DD goodbye. Catch up on internet stuff.

Eat breakfast with DW and DS. Kiss 11 yo DS goodbye about 9am. Do 1-2 hours of a hobby.

Go to exercise class or walk about 4 days a week. Take shower by noon and then run errands or meet friends.

If no exercise that day and no outside commitments, shower before kids get home from school so they don't know I lounged around all day!
Wake up 6:30, go back to sleep, get up at 8:30. Starting time not always consistent...

That certainly does account for your first two hours of the day. Time well spent, I'd say.
How I spend my first 2 hrs of the day? It's not easy for me to answer.

Some days I would wake up at 4AM or 5 AM, could not go back to sleep, so decided to brush my teeth, then went back to bed to surf the Web, waiting for the market to open while avoiding waking up my wife. Then, I would fall asleep again, and did not wake up until 8AM.

Some days I would wake up after the market open which is at 6:30AM local time, then had breakfast while surfing the Web, trying to understand why the market opened up or down that day. Futile effort, I know, but habits die hard. Then, we would go for a walk before I started on whatever I was planning on doing, like fooling around with my loudspeakers, or rearranging or editing the MP3 files on my servers.

No set routine. It all depends on what I feel like doing that day. Sometimes I would go out for a grocery run with my wife, then come back home with the "prize" of the day, like a lamb shank or some preseasoned meats, then spend some time to figure out a new dish with it for dinner.
tv goes on @ 7. drive to the mall (opens 7:30). walk once around (1 1/2mi). back home. coffee, paper, crossword, breakfast. then then figure out if there's chores, errands, contacts for the day, or that's enough
I wake up at 7am ( a luxury after 35 years waking up at 5:40 am ), do a quick e-mail and BBC news check on my iPad and then spend the balance of the first two hours exercising and having breakfast.
I start out with coffee, newspaper, tv news, & computer. After that my DH and I take the dog for a brisk 3-mile walk. Come home and have a bowl of cereal, shower and head over to check on my mom for an hour or two (take her for a short walk, pay her bills, check her meds, grocery shop, etc.). My mom is 84 and has Parkinson's but still lives on her own. She's pretty awesome.....
Still w*rk*ing...

Wake up at 5am, cuddle w/DW for a few snoozes, then rouse to get to work. Depending on the commute, it's either the regular shower-dress-packlunch-drive, or dress-packlunchclothes-walk. I walk if the temp is 25 or higher; it's a 40min stroll through the park, under the freeway, around the creek, and up into the office park across the freeway from the house. I shower at work, as well as eat breakfast, a holdover from when I had to ride a boat to work.

The main thing I'll change when I do retire will be to not get out of bed until the sun is up...
Now that I’m down to working two days a week, I find I have a lot of free time after waking up in the morning (5:30-6:00). I appreciate the time, I just don’t know what to do with it. So, how do you spend your first two hours of the day?

I sleep :) Used to get up early, even when I worked part time, but not now.
I get up at wake up o'clock (6-9am), make a coffee, flick on the computer, read ER forums, quick check of Quicken, play a few games (I'm ashamed to admit I've reached the end of the Candy Crush Saga train line since ERing:LOL:), eat breakfast my wife makes me (even on days when she's working :dance:), play with the dogs, and wave the kids off to work. :D
Spouse wakes me up as she gets ready for work. I read e-mail and news. Then when sun rises I take dog for walk/run for about 90 minutes. We usually stop and chat with 4 or 5 friends and neighbors that we meet. Once back home, I feed the dog, make sure the kids get up and go to school, then my shower, then my breakfast.

Wait a minute, I think all that takes 4 hours. Then I go to work.
Compare and contrast the reply above with my first two hours... I cannot wait to ER :)

Out of bed @4:30, quick shower and dressed by 4:45. Go to kitchen, hit run on Keurig and slam a couple of Eggos into the toaster. Grab the lunch I made the night before, my PC bag, coffee and Eggos, kiss the wife and hit the road by 5:00. Drive on I35 for 42 minutes @75 mph while first eating Eggos and drinking coffee, followed by shaving with Braun electric razor listening to "The Wall Street Journal Today" on the radio. Pull into the parking garage @5:42 and make my way to the 5x5 cubicle on the 3rd floor that I will call home for the next ~10 hours with intermittent breaks for meetings and other BS.... I'm living the dream guys :blush:

That scenario would have me operating on about 4 hours sleep each night, which is half what I need to be sane. I am not sure any salary would be high enough for me to do what you do. What motivation to ER ASAP!
It's now 8 am on the east coast, so I've been awake ("up" would not be precise) for two hours. A little over two years in, I'm concluding that I have no set wakey-wakey routine yet, beyond letting pooch out to water and fertilize yard and making a double- bag mug of green tea for myself, a concession to DW's Dr Oz fixation. Little bit o' lounging while contemplating what if anything needs to be tended to that day. So, first two hours? Unapologetic self-indulgent nonproductiveness, thank you very much. Note: DW joins me in retirement in September, at which point all bets are off!
Ok, it's after 8. Time to approximate productiveness. The Dude Abides!

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