How do you survive the last year before ER?


Excellent point and truer than I wish to believe. Thanks
Yeah, I do need the cash out for vacation time. Fortunately I'll have 60 hours of admin leave that I will lose if I don't use it so I will definitely use it!
Btw, they do know my retirement date. We need to do planning for the future as there will probably be a few more people retiring, including another manager. We are all of a certain age. This is a job and atmosphere we all love so many people have been here between 30 and 40 years. Not a huge turnover
I'm in a similar situation. I'm FI, and can pull the plug now, end of the year, or any time after. I'm putting all the salary and bonus money into a cash account; it's my "extra" money for some fun trips or whatever fun activities I can think up - I'm keeping a mental list.

The first two months of this year I was having a terrible time just being at work, and felt depressed all the time because I thought I should be able to walk out the door. I was running numbers all the time, talking to financial planners, watching the portfolio, etc.

At some point, I decided it would be better to try to get into the work the best I could while I'm here instead of thinking about escaping all the time; a work version of "Love the One Your With". I'm finding this is working a lot better for me. Days go by a lot faster, and I sleep better at night.
Yeah, the fully jumping back into w*rk certainly makes the day go faster and prevents me from thinking about my retirement date. I'm going to reconfirm my dedication to my position and responsibilities. Thanks!
Yeah, it does make things easier, knowing that no matter what the hassles, they will all be behind you soon.
All the stars aligned as a planetary convergence, 3 months before I ER'D.
i kept a countdown of the number of Mondays left. Lots fewer than actual days! Especially since you could skip lots of holiday weeks.

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