How to keep your aging brain fit: aerobics

Runner's World had a blurb a couple of years ago on some research suggesting that running can increase IQ.

mb said:
Runner's World had a blurb a couple of years ago on some research suggesting that running can increase IQ.


I don't doubt this for a minute as runners have no way to go but up. :)

I did significantly better on the Graduate Record Exam at the age of 56 than I had when 22. I have had many thousands too many beers over the decades and feel incredibly lucky to have not just preserved but enhanced function. I am a subscriber to the use it or lose it school but also believe that lots of antioxidants, veggies, fruits, spices, the right kind of fat (omega 3 supp. to correct preponderance of omega 6 in the standard American diet), have to have helped.
windsurf said:
I did significantly better on the Graduate Record Exam at the age of 56 than I had when 22. I have had many thousands too many beers over the decades and feel incredibly lucky to have not just preserved but enhanced function. I am a subscriber to the use it or lose it school but also believe that lots of antioxidants, veggies, fruits, spices, the right kind of fat (omega 3 supp. to correct preponderance of omega 6 in the standard American diet), have to have helped.

There was a suggestion in Mensa that members might have to requalify
(by testing) every so often. The older members crushed that idea.
We were all afraid we'd no longer get in (and of course the org. would lose the dues). :)

How about Ginkgo? Long time user. Dated a woman once who had it on her kitchen counter. I said , "Oh, you take ginkgo!" She says, "I used to.
I quit." Me........"Why is that?" She............"I forgot!" :)

I also like the "use it or lose it" idea. (They tell me this also works for sex but I have not had an opportunity to test this) :).

Anyway, the other day I am in my broker's office and his sec. says to me
"That brain is always workin' isn't it?" And I said, "Yep. Open 24/7.
We never close." She has no idea how right she was.

audreyh1 said:
OK - that is a pretty darn great article - thanks for posting it!

Glad you enjoyed it! What amazed me the most is that the brain actually has the ability to generate new neurons. Prior to 1998 it was thought that neurogenesis was not possible.

Only 3 hours of aerobic exercise a week actually increased the volume of both gray and white matter. The test subjects were aged 60 to 79. Very exciting that only a moderate amount of exercise can have this effect.

Yet another good reason to exercise.

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