I did it!!

Congratulations on your retirement! :clap:Retirement for me is amazing - it's been my best career choice by far.
Skype--regarding fixed index annuities--read the February 2011 issue of Money Magazine. It provides great insight into how the annuities are structured and it will answer your question very clearly.
You done quite well getting yourself their in fine fashion and I would highly value yourself as knowing your weaknesses and strengths in making decisons, especially money matters. Keep doing it as you have, is some fine advise I believe.

I would not be no where close into the % you are in on munis with state budgets, but sure there was a tax consideration that helped get you into 25% munis ( alot of state debt and recently muni fund NAV's have been plunging alot and don't look to be good investments any time soon, maybe next 5 years.

The best mutual fund managers of the past have started their own hedge funds so I would say they must be above average investments plus they can short or be all cash if they do not like the looks of the markets, where as a mutual fund would be lucky to be more than 20% cash at any time........ Most Hedge funds have high water marks so only get the extra up to 20% if they surpass your previous highs.

I think I have a similar life to what you have been may not of been as blessed but alright with things being in my mid 50's, single for well over 10 years and children
are 30's, so no pressure there.

I have all but my cash money market into hedge funds and dabble with my cash account a bit when I think I have a quite good short term gain possibility. I would
stay diversified in type of hedge funds, steady eddy and high flyer in prospective.
I believe what you may have said is that you re in funds of hedge funds by your adivisors review and advise/selection that fits your particular needs.

I do like getting the monthly reports how we are (performance reports) how they done it and what they are doing for at present and future. Then again as markets change they can change on a drop of hat and go into preserve mode.

So much of the market is computer trades and the last couple days from reports I read they estimate 70% of trades on U.S. markets are computer trades and many times on a few cents one way or the other.

Anyways keep on doing what you have done in the past, it seems to have worked well. I have done Central American, North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia in last 5 months and and made more in the markets in 2010 than if I would of stayed with my 6 figure job in 2010.

All The Best
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