I finally dug into the 529 fund details that my Mom as a Financial Adviaor got DW and I into 8+yrs ago for the benefit of DD and DS. With what I've learned about Expense Ratios, I was not pleased to learn these funds ran at between 1.0% and 1.2% when I reviewed them two weeks ago. "OK," I thought, balancing my relationship with my Mother and my aversion to being ripped-off, "we'll just eat that crappy ER because I know it helps Mom," but of course this is gnawing at me; these terribad rates are sucking away at my kids' college funding. At my Mom's grandkids' college funds.
Looking at the prospectii, I see there is also a Front Load of 5.77%. Oh crap. If you don't know, loads are another way funds and the people associated selling them take more of your invested money. Bad stuff, loads. When we started the 529s so long ago, I didn't know day from night when it came to investing. I had noticed these line items in our purchase acknowledgement statements in the past, but while they listed a dollar amount in the detail section of the line item, the end line to the right always said 0.00 and I figured Mom was paying these - sort of a contribution to the kids' education because it was her grandkids, right?
What's the axiom about "assume"?
Flash forward to today, I bring this up directly; hadn't before.
"Mom, the funds we have the kids' 529s in, do they have a front-end load?"
"But you're paying those for them, right?"
"Oh. I thought you were or something because they always show 0.00."
"That because the money is taken out before." (Now, I admit I don't recall her exact words, in part because of the sick feeling that had suddenly developed in my stomach region, but they were something like this)
"But, Mom, Front End Loads... those are really bad, right?"
"No, they're pretty common."
At this point, I now knew. Switched the topic, finished the call. The part of me that cares about this is so steamed. There is another part that isn't sweating the small stuff. Back to the indignation. There is no way I'm going to put another dime into those funds. Now in the process of finding a new 529 home. Since I kind of like confrontation, the future discussion about this will be fun but I wonder how much she'll actually pry given what she's heard me talk about since waking up to FI/RE.
But seriously, my Mom?!?!
Looking at the prospectii, I see there is also a Front Load of 5.77%. Oh crap. If you don't know, loads are another way funds and the people associated selling them take more of your invested money. Bad stuff, loads. When we started the 529s so long ago, I didn't know day from night when it came to investing. I had noticed these line items in our purchase acknowledgement statements in the past, but while they listed a dollar amount in the detail section of the line item, the end line to the right always said 0.00 and I figured Mom was paying these - sort of a contribution to the kids' education because it was her grandkids, right?
What's the axiom about "assume"?
Flash forward to today, I bring this up directly; hadn't before.
"Mom, the funds we have the kids' 529s in, do they have a front-end load?"
"But you're paying those for them, right?"
"Oh. I thought you were or something because they always show 0.00."
"That because the money is taken out before." (Now, I admit I don't recall her exact words, in part because of the sick feeling that had suddenly developed in my stomach region, but they were something like this)
"But, Mom, Front End Loads... those are really bad, right?"
"No, they're pretty common."
At this point, I now knew. Switched the topic, finished the call. The part of me that cares about this is so steamed. There is another part that isn't sweating the small stuff. Back to the indignation. There is no way I'm going to put another dime into those funds. Now in the process of finding a new 529 home. Since I kind of like confrontation, the future discussion about this will be fun but I wonder how much she'll actually pry given what she's heard me talk about since waking up to FI/RE.
But seriously, my Mom?!?!