I made it to RE!! I'm FREE!!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 12, 2011
Effective January 1, 2024 I am a free man!
I wouldn’t let myself post anything until it was totally signed … and it is! :D

I posted in 2022 that I had moved towards the exit. ( https://www.early-retirement.org/forums/f26/a-big-step-towards-the-door-113757.html )

By late summer my BS bucket was overflowing. The work I was doing was quite interesting but knowing that I had the ability to retire was making it difficult to tolerate the politics and drama. DW and I decided that it was time to exit.

It wound up being a complicated exit journey but I made it … including getting a package. And by sticking it out an extra year, we did manage to get the beach house closer to the beach. :cool:

I’m sure this is going to be a huge adjustment on many levels. We are well prepared financially and we have good ideas of what we will do with our time, but I have no illusion that shifting gears after 30 years of go-go-go, climb-climb-climb corporate life will be challenging at times.

During the holidays I always have a mental counter keeping track of how many days until I have to go back to work. Multiple times each day I had a little voice that says “5 days”, “3 days”, "1 day" … this year I’ve had to stop myself and say “No, not this time.”

I managed to FIRE at age 52. I owe the people on this board a huge thank you. I’ve been a member of this community since 2011. You’ve given me motivation, counsel and focus over the years. I hope to pay that forward to other people in this community.

I’ve averaged 0.28 posts/day over the last twelve years. That will probably increase!

Woohoo!! :dance:
Congratulations! Glad you made it past the finish line and the inclusion of a package, makes it even better! Enjoy!
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Reading I am free, brought back the retirement feeling that I had. Thanks for that.

Congrats on your retirement and glad that you were able to get the closer beach house. I hope that you enjoy your freedom, as much as I do.
Congratulations! I just went back and reread your other post, and it sounds very familiar! Our contract is up for renewal this year, which is usually a source of stress, but this year I'm not at all concerned if I get renewed. Although it sounds like my job is a lot less stressful (and lucrative), we're still in the "how much do we want to be able to travel in retirement" stage of our careers, our version of moving the beach house closer to the beach. (Although we are talking about possibly building a cabin....)
Great! I love hearing stories of people with a plan that works out for them.

I ER'd 8 years prior to your date on 1/1/2016 at age 50.5. I still pinch myself when I wake up in the morning "I don't have to go to work" I've never regretted it once.

I wish you the best.
Congratulations! I strongly suspect that you will love it.
Congratulations on your retirement.
Enjoy this next chapter and hope to continue to hear from you!
Congratulations! It's a one of a kind feeling leaving work on that last day. I have fond memories.
And by sticking it out an extra year, we did manage to get the beach house closer to the beach. :cool:

Did you MOVE the beach house closer to the beach? Is the BEACH house on wheels? How close to A beach does a house have to be to be considered a BEACH house? I have so many questions. LOL:cool:

Congrat's BTW. Great job.
That is great!! I wish you a happy ER.
Yes, it feels so good!
Congrats, now make the most of the next chapter.
Best feeling ever to realize you don't have too go to work anymore. Congratulations!
Congrats. For getting out and for not leaving any money on the table!

Six months after retiring early I had friends mention to me that I looked much better, younger.

Not certain that this was really so but I certainly felt better and slept better!
Congrats. For getting out and for not leaving any money on the table!

Six months after retiring early I had friends mention to me that I looked much better, younger.

Not certain that this was really so but I certainly felt better and slept better! Especially at what had been Qends and Yends.
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and hope you enjoy every day of this new chapter.
Sweet - congratulations! Let the good times roll!
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