Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Got this as part of an email from MOAA. Thought it was Interesting.
. Will there be a COLA increase in 2012? If so, how much will it be?
A. Barring some dramatic, unforeseen change, there should be a 2012 COLA of somewhere between 3.4% and 3.7% for Social Security, military retired pay, SBP, and VA disability compensation.
We won't know what the final COLA number will be until the September Consumer Price Index figure is released on October 19.
Retirees should see the COLA in their January 2012 checks.
Many members have asked if Congress might act to cut their COLA amount in 2012. We think it's likely Congress will seek some kind of COLA changes at some point in the months and years ahead as part of ongoing deficit-reduction efforts.