

Full time employment: Posting here.
Apr 15, 2003
Leesburg, VA
What beautiful photos! Love the pond. You have a little bit of paradise there, don't you. :) Thanks for sharing!
Oh, beautiful. Those by the pond are flag irises? That's the way they should really look. I had some in my garden (dry-no-pond) but took them out this spring. Yours are lovely. That view is picture is cute too.
Beautiful spot.

Does Emily Ann like the pond?

Emily has a problem with "forgetting" and "accidentally" having her rear end fall into the pond and then, what's a dog to do but go for a little dip. We don't like this as the combo of wet dog/pond water is not a smell that goes away quickly. Also, she has severe problems with hip dysplasia and can't walk upstairs to the dog bathtub anymore, so we have to have a bath outside with cold hose water.

She also loves boats and jetskis and has her own life jacket. I have pictures...

Mike D.
Oh, beautiful. Those by the pond are flag irises? That's the way they should really look. I had some in my garden (dry-no-pond) but took them out this spring. Yours are lovely. That view is picture is cute too.

I don't know what kind of irises they are. We call them "The yellow irises." My mother told us that they liked water. They will sprout anywhere there is moist earth. The ones in the dog pic are not by the water but in a separate garden area.

Mike D.
The pond and pup look great.

The irises look like Yellow Flag or IRIS PSEUDACORUS
Oh, man my beautiful yellow irises are an invasive *weed* - does that mean they aren't pretty anymore?

Before we knew any better we have planted about 10 kinds of invasive weeds that we liked. The English ivy is going crazy as are the irises. Even our nice, shade-loving pachysandra is not welcome in VA. Don't get me started about the morning glories, yuccas, or trumpet vine.

Mike D.
Nice pics. I love the one with EmilyAnn.
My irises are blooming now also. Wasn't aware that there was a kind that like water.
Oh, man my beautiful yellow irises are an invasive *weed* - does that mean they aren't pretty anymore?

Before we knew any better we have planted about 10 kinds of invasive weeds that we liked. The English ivy is going crazy as are the irises. Even our nice, shade-loving pachysandra is not welcome in VA. Don't get me started about the morning glories, yuccas, or trumpet vine.

Mike D.

As a good friend of mine (who is a Master Gardener) has said, a weed is just a plant that is growing where you don't want it. We have small patches of white/sweet clover growing here and there throughout our lawn. Most people I know use some type of herbicide to kill it all off. However, since clover fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil, I leave it alone and let it grow. Besides, I like the little flowers on do the bunny rabbits and the bees!

I also have english ivy growing amongst my roses....they co-habitate well least here. We have irises taking over one of our flower beds....which is great because now I don't have to figure out what to plant there anymore!!! And morning betcha! They're on (and around) the patio trellis, and they should be overtaking our garden shed by summer's end!

You have some nice Iris there, and it looks like Emily Ann thinks so too! Thanks for sharing the pix!

Goonie, hostas are a nice plant to take over an area. I dug up some yesterday that were encroaching a walk way. Replanted them to another area. Free plants! 8)
Goonie, hostas are a nice plant to take over an area. I dug up some yesterday that were encroaching a walk way. Replanted them to another area. Free plants! 8)

Yep, we have a few beds with hosta. Once I get all of the rest of the stuff planted and/or moved around, I'm going to be working on a shade garden along the north side of the house that will have lotsa hosta...mostly from divisions....and several other shade lovers.

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