In my opinion,its not a matter of "to late",but risk.Energy was a buy $20-30/bbl,now @$47 and given that we are on the cusp of the"in between" season.I.E,in between winter usage and summer SUV season.That being said,experience has shown me to make my buys in the fall,since fall time sees the same"in between season".It seems to me by looking at the $XOI index,that the market is pricing in fairly sustained energy prices.Not neccessarily higher,just say >$35,i think we do see higher prices if the dollar continues to fall.If you feel that youve just GOT to have it,then please consider a % of the $ you want to allocate NOW,and come back in the fall.Say a maximum of 25% now.Energy is very cyclical,both seasonal and year over year,this same cycle plays out almost every year.This year could be one of those wierd years,but the odds of history are against it.Energy sector is probably the original ".com",boom to bust,boom to bust,etc.,
Good luck,hope this doesnt muddy up the waters for you,just hate to see people get crushed.--ak