It's spreading out


Confused about dryer sheets
May 16, 2014
:dance:I've walked at a certain location for years, same route every day. I've noticed lately that it takes a little longer to complete, and I'm slightly winded . The only possible explanation is that the Earth is spreading out.
It's just expanding with the universe as some of us are...........................
I expect that something is spreading out. Stay with it. I do regular walking as well.
Yeah, I noticed that the hills I climbed on my bicycle route were getting steeper. Then I replaced my 3-speed with a 21-speed and they leveled out some. ;-)

All those multiple gears are wasted on the young'uns.
Yeah, I noticed that the hills I climbed on my bicycle route were getting steeper. Then I replaced my 3-speed with a 21-speed and they leveled out some. ;-)

All those multiple gears are wasted on the young'uns.

LOL! I added a 500W motor and 48V battery to mine!! Now it's pedal-"assist".
Keep walking, biking and whatever else.
As my dear aunt likes to say "Use it or lose it". Can be applied to many things.
Better schedule an appointment with your cardiologist.
Hmmm...I noticed that some hills I have been walking for 25+ years, have actually become less steep since I upped my gym workouts and lost about 5 pounds I didn't require.

So I agree with LOL...if you've only started noticing the "expansion" recently, then, there's no time like the present to get a physical.

There is some crustal motion in the earth, but probably not enough to notice.

I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to find an answer why, but I can't find a definitive cause. From what I've read, stride becomes shorter as we age. So we can walk as fast as we used to, but since our stride is shorter, it takes longer to walk the same distance.
I noticed getting short of breath when going uphill. Turns out that I have Aortic Insufficiency, Atrial Flutter and Left Bundle Branch Block with exercise. I think that the Aortic Insufficiency was what was making me short of breath. Hope it is not the same for you. Hope the Earth is really spreading out for you.
Better schedule an appointment with your cardiologist.

All joking aside that might be a good idea.

About 2 1/2 years ago I noticed that I had to stop and catch my breath 3 or 4 times when mowing a hill on one side of the house. That did not happen a week before so I called my doctor. A stress test the next morning showed some issues. The following day a cardiac catheterization showed a 90% blockage of the LAD (AKA "The Widowmaker"). I had narrowly dodged The Big Ache. That time. Almost every nurse commented that I had come in before the heart attack. Evidently most guys wait until they're on the floor before calling.
My dad was a daily walker. He suddenly noticed he was becoming winded on his nightly walk - otherwise he felt fine. Went to the doctor and had a quadruple bypass the following week. If something changes suddenly, there's usually a reason for it. I would get it checked out.
Better schedule an appointment with your cardiologist.

I agree with everyone giving this advice. My Grandfather had 2 heart attacks over the course of a few years. His Dr told him to eat healthier, exercise, and lose weight. He didn't change his eating habits (or weight) much, and he had a massive heart attack and died while out for a walk.
I appreciate the humorous responses that seemed to catch my drift. I also sincerely appreciate the serious responses as heartfelt advice.

I went camping this weekend, I'm reluctant to mention that the ground is much harder than it used to be.
Not only is the earth spreading out, the sun is also expanding at an alarming rate!

I used to be able to be outside all day without a hat and never, ever get a sunburn on the top of my head. Now, after just a bit, the top of my head gets burned and I need a hat.
Not only is the earth spreading out, the sun is also expanding at an alarming rate!

I used to be able to be outside all day without a hat and never, ever get a sunburn on the top of my head. Now, after just a bit, the top of my head gets burned and I need a hat.

You've noticed that too, I thought it was just me.

I went to the gym yesterday, it seems they're making weights out of a heavier material these days. 50 pounds is actually much heavier than it used to be.
You've noticed that too, I thought it was just me.

I went to the gym yesterday, it seems they're making weights out of a heavier material these days. 50 pounds is actually much heavier than it used to be.

Try going to the gym every other day for a week. They swap the heavy ones out with lighter ones by the end of the week ;-)

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