First - would really like to mention how valuable this forum has been to us over the past months and we thank all of you for posting so much helpful info – a brief history and our apologies for such a lengthy post – both employed (he 56, she 55), within days merger will be finalized at husband’s company (employed 36 yrs). 35 years of marriage consisted of working, raising children, working, raising grandchild for 8 yrs, working, helping our parents, working…working….and working. We are both ready for ER. Nervous and stressed? Heck yeah! Financial history – 2 homes, one in IL (small equity loan of $75k) and lake home in WI (no mortgage) purchased two years ago with dreams of future retirement and lots of fishing in mind. Never thought we would ER until he reached 59-60 so we're a few years short of our master plan. Thinking of combining our 401k, his pension (lump sum) and sale of home in IL having $850,000 working for us (not including WI home at $250k) Outside of the small equity loan, no outstanding debts as WI home, cars and boat are paid for. Not sure (yet) if company will offer a severance package.
Any advice on what to do with the $850k would be so very appreciated. (we really absorb all of the sound advice from you guys on this forum and feel like such amateurs but ready to learn) We are definitely leaning towards ER. Our thoughts are to rollover the two 401’s and pension and some of the cash from the sale of the IL home (home sale approx. $350k)and setting up some money into an emergency fund for any unknown future expenses. This is where our minds have stopped functioning….to avoid any tax/penalities we should rollover into an IRA into where? How much available cash is needed for our future unknown expenses? (Our needs are simple – we just like to fish!) We are hoping to live off the SWR of 4% using 72t for five years until he reaches 62 and would start SS.
We’re pretty nervous but excited – it’s finally “our” turn and we want to be better prepared in making right decisions. Any advice regarding getting started, funds to invest in, medical insurance (we will have COBRA for 18 months) would certainly help us. From previous postings, our understanding is that financial planners/consultants may not be the way to go.
Thanks for any help.
Any advice on what to do with the $850k would be so very appreciated. (we really absorb all of the sound advice from you guys on this forum and feel like such amateurs but ready to learn) We are definitely leaning towards ER. Our thoughts are to rollover the two 401’s and pension and some of the cash from the sale of the IL home (home sale approx. $350k)and setting up some money into an emergency fund for any unknown future expenses. This is where our minds have stopped functioning….to avoid any tax/penalities we should rollover into an IRA into where? How much available cash is needed for our future unknown expenses? (Our needs are simple – we just like to fish!) We are hoping to live off the SWR of 4% using 72t for five years until he reaches 62 and would start SS.
We’re pretty nervous but excited – it’s finally “our” turn and we want to be better prepared in making right decisions. Any advice regarding getting started, funds to invest in, medical insurance (we will have COBRA for 18 months) would certainly help us. From previous postings, our understanding is that financial planners/consultants may not be the way to go.
Thanks for any help.