It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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Laurence said:
(Sigh) going to school and working full time has led me to cut corners for a few months, and I ballooned up from 190 lbs to a whopping 224 since October. :eek:
Oh, man, it's not cutting corners-- it's pregnancy sympathy weight!

You're just doing everything you can to support your spouse!!
And then some! But I'm halving my meal size, trading the brew for a bottle of water, stairs, that type of thing. It was having to suck it in to button my 36" that got me.
Up 2 lbs to 328. Not going to the gym after work for a week really hurt both my weigfht and my shoulder. Good news is that I start back at it Friday evening.
The first week of a diet is always a blast - I was 217 this morning - I know, water weight, but still.

Down 4 for the week. DP gently pointed out that it's all water weight the first week.

I gently pointed out that he could bite me.

I say it counts. So there! :p
this morning i was back down to 215 from 219 last night. i must have had a restless night's sleep.
I hope you have room for one more as I recently embarked on a weight loss plan after seeing my scales.

I'm 5'4" and weigh 150lbs. That means I have gained 35lbs in 13 years of marriage. I have gained 10lbs in the last year. So this time I have to get serious and do something about getting off some of the fat I have on my thighs and gut.

My first step has been to cut out the chocolate bars and daily Starbucks. I have also made a point of hitting the treadmill I have in my house every day.

I would like to say thanks to whoever put out in their post how to calculate calorific intake. I am going to spend some time this weekend looking it over, as I think I have possibly ballooned the last year because of lack of calories (well I can dream).
Down another 1.5lbs. I'm getting back on track, at least for the moment, I'm waiting to hear from the dr about a surgery date for next week. Hopefully minor with a minimal recoup time, he said I'd feel like a new woman, he better be right :bat:
TargaDave said:
Joining late but better late than never

48, 6', 200.5# after the holiday splurge and way too much business travel. My start date is 1/14/07. I live in a house with 3 skinny females that keep the cupboards full of fat and sugar. Nothing like a challenge. I'll weigh in next week.

TargaDave said:
1/24/07 194.5#. Yeah :p

TargaDave said:
1/31/07 191.5#

TargaDave said:
2/07/07 189# (3 day splurge in the Yucatan but worth it; next 10# are the tough ones for me)

TargaDave said:
2/14/07 185.5# (caught a bug from DD so 3 days sick in bed; not a fun way to loose weight)

TargaDave said:
2/21/07 182.5#

TargaDave said:
2/28/07 180.5#

TargaDave said:
3/4/07 179# :D

TargaDave said:
3/21/07 176# (my college "jockish" weight)

4/04/07 173.5# DW said "that's enough, you're scarrin me", so it's onto that ever so challenging maintenance phase. (Nice to have that extra spring in my step and loft in my launch :D)

Oh, such a big weekend! Friday night we went to an awesome concert in Charlotte (Chris Knight-I am a HUGE fan) and had a million beers. Also went to a party on Sat night and another on Sun afternoon. If it weren't for socializing, I think we'd have wasted away to nothing by now! No weight lost, actually at 164, but I can't expect it when we are on the Elvis lifestyle plan!

Sigh, back to the gym every day this week and NO beer! Have to stop with the elliptical machine, as I'm getting some pain in one hip (I think it is called the IB or IT bands) from repetitive motion--I work out to a cardio program for 1 hour on the days we don't work with the trainer--moving to the stationary bike for a while. And hey, I'm getting closer to the floor on pushups--still about 1 foot off. But I can do 80 spread-eagle situps!

Since all these folks have tickers for their FIRE date, I thought at least I could have one for losing weight, since my fire date is like 2017!

I'm down 1.7lbs from my starting weight which is a good start but I find I always loose the same 2lbs then nothing else happens.

TargaDave, well done, 27lbs in less than 3 months is a great achievement.
retiredbop said:
Another week at 328, but I have been faithful to neither diet nor gym. Try harder this week.
At this point in the process it may be a lot more rewarding to monitor your measurements than your weight. In fact if you're converting fat to muscle (or recovering from doing so) then your weight may even go up.

TargaDave said:
Nice to have that extra spring in my step and loft in my launch
Hey, is your foot supposed to leave the board like that or were you scrambling for control?!? Yikes!

How did you get that photo series-- can that be done with a digital surf camera?

mclesters said:
Sigh, back to the gym every day this week and NO beer! Have to stop with the elliptical machine, as I'm getting some pain in one hip (I think it is called the IB or IT bands) from repetitive motion--I work out to a cardio program for 1 hour on the days we don't work with the trainer--moving to the stationary bike for a while.
Having been through that physical therapy, my reaction is "ouch". There are stretches (google "iliotibial band stretch" or "ITB stretch") and if it gets worse then it's going to start affecting your knee, your posture, and maybe even lead to sciatica. It seems silly for such a small muscle to cause such big problems yet a shipmate ignored that pain for quite a few months and is now facing hip surgery with a military disability retirement. But the stretches are much less painful!

If you're spending a lot of time on the elliptical (same here, ouch again) then you may also want to be doing hamstring stretches-- the safe variety where you lie flat on a floor, loop a bath towel around your heel, and slowly pull your toes up to your nose for 30-60 seconds per leg. At least the bike will strengthen your hamstrings more than the elliptical (I think) but riding position can aggravate the ITB too.

As for me, back down to 189 and a lot scrawnier about the waist. We have a tae kwon do tournament in a couple months so this month has been less about the forms and more about the anaerobic metabolism. I'm usually all out of aerobics by the end of the first 30 minutes...
simple girl said:
Wow, the last 2 days I was back up to 131...imagine my surprise to get on the scale and see 129 this morning!!!

Well, I missed a week because we were out of town on vacation. You know what that means...yep, gained 2#, back up to 131 :-[ Too many beers and oh so many lunches and dinners out...YUM! Oh well, paying the price now, back on the diet and exercise plan!
Hit my goal weight a couple of days ago. (245).

Same weight a I was 50 years ago when I was playing ball.

But a check in a full view mirror, shows it's distributed in a different way. ;)

I've always liked Clint Eastwood, both as an actor and a director, but Clint, I've got a suggestion for you. "Keep your shirt on." :D

Incidentally, I tried "Weight Watchers" for a week or so, but ran into brick wall. I switched to Atkins, no carbs, and it went off quick.

For a Carnivor like me, the idea of eating a steak, and a large salad with Blue Cheese Dressing, doesn't seem like a diet. But staying away from carbs is challenging.

Anyway, I reached my goal, but doubt if I'll be modeling underwear anytime in the near future. ;)

Good luck to you all.
down another 1/2 pound from last week and 5 lbs total from thread start. down 8 from my peak obesityness. my stomach is shrinking while my chest and arms are increasing so mostly i'm just shifting weight. went looking for a friend in a bar other day and totally noticed a few heads turn again. very cool when you can turn a head while you have a head of gray hair. also out of the blue one of my neighbors commented on how e.r. seems to be agreeing with me, that i look healthy tanned and relaxed. losing weight is really good for my ego cardiovascular system.

ps targadave, way cool launch pics.

Laurence said:
And then some! But I'm halving my meal size, trading the brew for a bottle of water, stairs, that type of thing.

bottles of water are excellent way to hydrate. for some reason i drink more water from bottles than i do from a glass. probably from all those earlier years of drinking soda out of cans and beers from bottles. so now i buy those pint sized bottles by the case. fridge is full of'm. also i keep a cooler with six pack of them in the car even for day-long trips.
Nords said:
Hey, is your foot supposed to leave the board like that or were you scrambling for control?!? Yikes!

How did you get that photo series-- can that be done with a digital surf camera?

In control but it's a very "old guy" jumping move. The younger hot shots will take the board all the way off and toss it behind their back while mixing in a couple of spins at twice the height.

Those are frame grabs from the movie mode of a basic water resistent digital camera ($250 Pentax) so resolution isn't the greatest but it's a full 30 fps. Camera is mounted on a tripod in about 20 inches of water (why the water looks so flat with 18 knot winds), though with 20 inches it's best to avoid any dive bomb wipe outs. :p

The thrill of all the jumping mixed in with the peacefulness of being out there virtually alone is amazing. A lot of my motivation for loosing weight and staying half way in shape is to keep doing this stuff till I keel over.


retiredbop said:
Dave,that looks AWESOME but what the heck is pullnig you along? It looks like the tow vehicle is above you.

Yep, my light weight air injected "hemi", or as DW says, my "man toy" ;)
(Sorry for diverting the thread)

TargaDave said:
Yep, my light weight air injected "hemi", or as DW says, my "man toy" ;)
(Sorry for diverting the thread)

Just showed my DH this and his response is "I want one, too!"

He wants to know what happens if a big gust of wind comes along? Can it take you away or is there an emergency release of some sort?

OH, and how much does it cost? LOL
simple girl said:
Just showed my DH this and his response is "I want one, too!"

He wants to know what happens if a big gust of wind comes along? Can it take you away or is there an emergency release of some sort?

OH, and how much does it cost? LOL

S-girl, Some info for your DH.

Big gust of wind: that bar you see me holding onto in the close up of the previous post steers and depowers the kite. Like a stunt kite; pull left, kite goes left. Pull the bar in and the kite powers up, let it out and the kite depowers but still stays in the air. In a gust you push the bar out, in a lull you pull the bar in. Just a few years ago kites had very little depower and lousy emergency releases so it was bit more dangerous-challenging to learn but you also gained quick respect for weather-location conditions. New kites today have huge depower range and much better emergency releases. Little red thing between the bar and me is the emergency release. Pop it and the kite looses virtually all power and falls to the water. You are still connected to it so it won't blow away. DW and DD are my launch crew when available and chase vehicle for downwinder trips. Self launching-landing takes more experience.

Cost: one new kite rig, board, harness, helmut, misc, ~$1700-2200 new, ~$800-1300 used
Two kite sizes needed to handle most common wind ranges. You can stuff everything in one golf bag for airline travel. Was just at the 3rd Ave launch by San Manteo bridge this last week (not a beginner spot).

Always (no exceptions) take professional lessons to get started.
Best to learn in safe locations (steady moderate winds, waist deep water with soft bottom, lots of clear downwind space, no boats or strong currents, gusty inland lakes not so good). Like many sports you can make it as safe or as dangerous as you want. I see 60 and even 70 yr kiteboarders all time now. Outer Banks and South Padre Island are two of the best learning locations in the States. These shots are soundside in Nags Head.

There are endless fun little tricks even us older wimps can learn. Here is a onehanded 540 deg back spin move I taught myself in the last few months. About 20-50 interesting wipeouts to learn each new trick. ;) Always a great workout and way more fun than the treadmill at the Y (which is what I'm stuck with today). :p
OK, back to the regularly scheduled weight loss program or I will babble on forever about this.
Very Cool, Dave! I have a friend who teaches, but the closest I've ever gotten was helping untangle a huge mess of kite string one night at a party! They do a lot of it on the beaches here, and I'll second the professional lessons!
Wow TargaDave, that is so cool. Even I would be interested in trying it! LOL. I doubt I have the arm strength, though. DH definitely will be trying out a lesson for this in the future. Perhaps in the very near future...might be doing an Outer Banks trip this summer :D
You make it look easy. Glad you told us about the 20-50 wipeouts per new trick. I have friends learning this and have seen others doing it in the last year at resorts. It is way cool. Glad you explained about the depowering bar and the emergency pull. I had been wondering how far these guys could fly in the right conditions, and what landing on treetops would look like... :p

Just discovered this thread -- midway through my own battle with 10 pounds that appeared while having Dec holidays and a back injury. Have gotten three of them off but the rest are not responding to the usual treatments, but hoping the warm weather will help. Have one of those scales that Trombone Al has with decimal readouts. Drink a glass of water and see your weight go up...
I'm down another 2lbs for a total loss of 4lbs. I only have another 2 lbs to make it to my first target of losing 6lbs by my birthday. Overall I have another 20lbs to go.
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