It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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Eh, I'm a bit uneasy with this, I'll just tell you straight. Why don't you spring for him (and you) to see a nutritionist, ask your regular physician for a referral maybe.

Honestly, I really don't care for the idea of a 16 yr old on Atkins, or on 2800 calories a day diet that is just "eat more". Just kicking up the calorie count, but not specifying the right things to be eating, is a bit alarming. At that age, I'd imagine lots of fruits and vegetables and plenty of protein to be very important, along with normal physical activity of the sort he enjoys.

I lost weight a number of years ago on Atkins, and gained it back, like most folks do. It wasn't until I changed my lifestyle and my eating habits to include mostly vegetables, whole grains (beer counts, right?), quality protein and fresh, not processed foods, that I hvae been able to sustain the weight loss and gain muscle. My mother did Atkins for a number of years prior to her kidney transplant. Do I think they're related? Hell yes.
I think 7% is too low, but you don't get a six-pack doing Atkins (either the kind you drink or the kind on your abs)...gotta do the exercise for that one. DD is a swimmer, and has been in intensive practice for the last 4 months...she got a very nice sixer from that.

You say he's been doing Atkins strictly for a strictly? Still in Induction territory? I wouldn't want him to stay there very long at 12% BF, but more exercise (several hours a day) and more protein may be in order...Sarah's protein shake sounds pretty awesome.

Eh, I'm a bit uneasy with this, I'll just tell you straight. Why don't you spring for him (and you) to see a nutritionist, ask your regular physician for a referral maybe.

Honestly, I really don't care for the idea of a 16 yr old on Atkins, or on 2800 calories a day diet that is just "eat more". Just kicking up the calorie count, but not specifying the right things to be eating, is a bit alarming. At that age, I'd imagine lots of fruits and vegetables and plenty of protein to be very important, along with normal physical activity of the sort he enjoys.

I lost weight a number of years ago on Atkins, and gained it back, like most folks do. It wasn't until I changed my lifestyle and my eating habits to include mostly vegetables, whole grains (beer counts, right?), quality protein and fresh, not processed foods, that I hvae been able to sustain the weight loss and gain muscle. My mother did Atkins for a number of years prior to her kidney transplant. Do I think they're related? Hell yes.

I guess I need to be a lot more specific before asking questions. I didn't mean to be alarming. First off, while I'm not happy that he chose to be on Atkins, I was happy to see him taking an interest in losing weight and getting in shape, so I let it go. While the personal trainer is talking 2800 calories, she wanted him to list what he eats so she could create a proper diet for him, so it's not just eat more. He used to be on a swim team and wants to get back into it, so perhaps he'll need a huge spike in calories for energy?
Anyway, I appreciate all the responses, but I don't want to see anyone panic. I'm just gathering info from you all, so I'm not being as specific with info as I guess I should be.
Sarah, wouldn't beer be counted as refined or processed grain?:D:D:D

Any thoughts on this, my son has a body fat index of 12%. This new personal trainer says it should be at 7%. Does that seem too low?

7% is at the low end of the 6-13% body fat range, but not to the point where I'd consider it whacky if your son is in his late teens or older and involved in competitive sports. If he's younger (and needs those fat reserves to support growth) that number is low, and if he's not a teen and not an athlete my first question to his trainer would be "why?"

An unsafe body fat percentage would be 5% or lower. Body functions start to shut down in the 2%-4% range.
My everyday breakfast smoothie for the past two years is this: (Makes 2 servings of aprox 285 calories) 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, 8 oz 1% milk, 150 grams frozen peaches, 1 tbsp peanut butter, one tbsp flax meal, and one small banana. Whirl it up and it is delicious and the ingredients are easy to keep on hand. High in protein and very satisfying. You can add more PB to increase the protein.

WOW! Just tried it this morning, and it is delicious!

I found soy vanilla protein powder at Walmart (it has no cholesterol, vs. the whey protein that had quite a bit in comparison).

When I added all the calories up, our version came to 350 cal per serving. Well worth the calories...YUM! Thanks for the recipe:D
SimpleGirl, I bet it is good with the soy! That is a great idea!
Since we eat the soy bars every day for our snack, I don't usually add any other soy to DH's intake (worry just a bit about the effect it might have in higher amounts on men).

Glad you like it! 350 calories is good at breakfast--and will keep you from getting hungry until lunch! I never understood how people could eat cereal and not be knawing the wallpaper by 11am!
He's 16 and has recently lost a pretty fair amount of weight. I think he's pretty thin, but he thinks he needs a six pack to work as a life guard at the local water park. I've been trying to convince him that now he needs to be more concerned with beefing up and less about losing weight. He's been on Atkins pretty strictly for the last few months. The personal trainer told him he wasn't eating enough and needs 2800 calories a day. That seemed pretty high for someone trying to drop body fat.
I don't know if I should just trust these people to do what they do, or intervene?

I'm not a nutritionist, but I am fairly certain that the Atkins diet is NOT suitable for a teenager. He needs a balanced diet because he's still growing and his body needs a LOT of different things. He's got his whole life to diet and screw up his metabolism.........;)
WOW! Just tried it this morning, and it is delicious!

I found soy vanilla protein powder at Walmart (it has no cholesterol, vs. the whey protein that had quite a bit in comparison).

When I added all the calories up, our version came to 350 cal per serving. Well worth the calories...YUM! Thanks for the recipe:D

I make something like that,except skim milk, sashi nuggets, vanilla yogurt and physillum husks. Of course, I include the flaxseed and some frozen or fresh fruit............
been avoiding this thread like the plague...but here goes...i weigh exactly what i weighed yesterday plus 1 slice of pizza and 2 reeses's peanut butter cups that i ate today for lunch.

you didn't think i was going to give an answer in lbs, did ya? >:D
SimpleGirl, I bet it is good with the soy! That is a great idea!
Since we eat the soy bars every day for our snack, I don't usually add any other soy to DH's intake (worry just a bit about the effect it might have in higher amounts on men).

Sarah, what's the scoop on soy and men (potential negative effects?)
Well, I'll defer to the doctors on the board for specifics, as food science is a morass of competing special interest groups that make politicians look reasonable, but here's a basic answer:

What are phytoestrogens doing to the men? Researcher, W. David Kubiak reports that "...because female hormones or estrogen given to men in small quantities can quickly overwhelm androgen activity, and soy produces estrogen molecules in biologically significant amounts, it might be inferred that a steady diet of miso, tofu, soy sauce, and so on might not be best for leadership trainees or aspiring Lotharios (lovers)."
Researchers believe that the trend toward lower male fertility may be due to environmental estrogens, including the soy phytoestrogens. There is strong evidence that soy phytoestrogens inhibit an enzyme which is required for the synthesis of testosterone and the development of the CNS-gonadal axis. Much research is now being done to determine the effects of soy on male animals (even male insects) of all sorts. Research with animals and insects from the grasshopper to the cheetah, are showing that soy affects males by making them less confident, less aggressive, indecisive, show less sexual interest, lower sperm count and in some studies less everything male. Research on humans is slow (years), but the short-term studies on men are showing the information obtained through animal life spans correlate with what is happening in human research.

We don't go crazy over this sort of stuff--I love the new Michael Pollan book in Defense of Food where he says "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants". I have a friend who buys all-natural breath mints. I mean, really?
We don't go crazy over this sort of stuff--I love the new Michael Pollan book in Defense of Food where he says "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants". I have a friend who buys all-natural breath mints. I mean, really?

LOL! I agree, it's really easy to go overboard with all the different guidelines, pro's and con's, etc. I did a google search and was overwhelmed by all kinds of studies, etc.

Thanks for the info. I think we'll be safe since it will just be the breakfast drink, and he rarely eats the soy snack bars (although I do).
LOL, one of the stories I read said that a woman reported her cup size increasing after she exchanged her daily 2 cups of regular milk for soy milk, and I'm like--gotta get some more soy! :)
LOL, one of the stories I read said that a woman reported her cup size increasing after she exchanged her daily 2 cups of regular milk for soy milk, and I'm like--gotta get some more soy! :)

For sure! :2funny:
LOL, one of the stories I read said that a woman reported her cup size increasing after she exchanged her daily 2 cups of regular milk for soy milk, and I'm like--gotta get some more soy! :)

DW needs to stay on the regular milk.......according to her..........:cool:
127. Another pound bites the dust. :D

And another one down, and another one down.....126!

Just in time for my weekend cruise with my girlfriends. It was so fun trying on on my clothes for the trip last night. They fit soooo much better than they did for our last cruise just 8 wks ago. I've lost 10# since then! I'm only 5# away from my college graduation weight, 19 years ago:eek:

Hopefully I will at least maintain my weight...I do plan on enjoying the food, but I also have two intense dance workouts planned. If not, oh well, I plan on having fun!

P.S. DH is doing great, too...he weighs less than I have ever known him - 159# (he's 5' 8"). This sure has been easier having him on board for the healthier eating.
FANTASTIC, Simple Girl--you are an inspiration to me for the rest of the week, as I've eaten way too many restaurant meals since last Wednesday and am up to 150 today. :(

That is awesome that you are so close to your graduation weight--when I dropped below the weight I was when we got married 15 years ago (at 23), I had to try on my wedding dress again! It was pretty cool! :)

Have a blast on the cruise with the girls! And enjoy the dance workouts in between all that great food and girl-gossip time!
1/23: 196.8 17.1% body fat.
1/30: 196.0 16.6%
2/06: 198.2 16.9%
2/13: 194.8 16.4%
2/20: 191.8 16.5%
2/27: 192.0 16.6%
3/05: 190.0 16.3%

Goal: 192.0 15.3%

Funny... made the weight goal the last three weeks, though the fat percentage is well off. Somewhat ironically, Wednesday is consistently my lightest day of the week. For instance, yesterday I was 194.0 with 15.6 body fat. Last night, dinner was a small waffle cone Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Completely void of nutritional value, though that helped drop my weight for the day.

But any way you slice it, the trend is in the right direction.
UP to 235...........was 233 a week ago...........and I exercised the most ever in a week for over 10 years............6 days..........:(

Maybe my fat is turning into muscle,which weighs more.......:)
Mar-05-08: At 170.0 lbs, BMI of 25.8
Feb-27-08: At 170.5 lbs, BMI of 25.9
Feb-20-08: At 170.5 lbs, BMI of 25.9, Hips/Waist: 36-3/4"/34-1/4" (93%)
Feb-13-08: At 172.0 lbs, BMI of 26.1
Feb-06-08: At 174.0 lbs, BMI of 26.5 :(
Jan-30-08: At 172.0 lbs, BMI of 26.1
Jan-23-08: At 173.5 lbs, BMI of 26.4
Jan-16-08: At 174.0 lbs, BMI of 26.5
Jan-09-08: At 175.0 lbs, BMI of 26.6, Hips/Waist: 37"/35" (95%)

Insanity said:
At 175 lbs this morning with a waist measurement of 35 inches, BMI of 26.6 and waist-to-hip ratio of 95%. My goal is to get into the healthy weight range again by getting my BMI under 25 or my waist-to-hip ratio under 90%. At 5'8" with hips measuting 37" that makes target weight 164.5 lbs and target waist measurement 33.25". 10.5 lbs and 1.75" to go.
176 - up a lb. Lots of evening snacking, I'm sure if I could control this I'd lose a few lbs
2/20 238
2/27 233
3/05 231

Signed up for the gym about 5 days ago, strange, it doesn't hurt this time. I guess I must be taking it a little easier in my old (46) age...:cool:
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