It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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Down 2.5 since 12/29 (the day I confronted the scale)--"only" 22.5 to realistic goal 37.5 to go :) to impossibly unrealistic goal.
I don't believe in diets per se. I picked up a book entitled LEARN in my doctor's office several years ago that made a lot of sense. It's basically a behavior modification program that emphasizes learning about food fat & calorie content, your own eating habits, and modifying your relationship with food. The book may be available at your library. I still use the basic concepts today. There are many excellent (FREE) articles at Welcome to LEARN The LifeStyle Company
This is a good short article for the holidays.
I don't believe in diets per se. I picked up a book entitled LEARN in my doctor's office several years ago that made a lot of sense. It's basically a behavior modification program that emphasizes learning about food fat & calorie content, your own eating habits, and modifying your relationship with food. The book may be available at your library. I still use the basic concepts today. There are many excellent (FREE) articles at Welcome to LEARN The LifeStyle Company
This is a good short article for the holidays.
LEARN The LifeStyle Company Article: Leaner, Lighter Holidays

I agree entirely. One needs to change their diet, not go on a diet to lose weight in the long run. Thanks for the web link - pretty interesting. I just used it to calculate how many calories I need to consume to maintain / lose weight for my height, age etc. It reminded me of a friend some years back when we were going through the WW program at work (which is one of the "lifestyle" changing programs out there, and I did it because it was at work and half price plus with a bunch of folks you already knew).

He had been doing really well but had plateau'ed for some time. He asked his Doc what he needed to do and explained that he was still walking several times a week and had lowered his calorie intake in line with his new body weight according to the WW table. The Doc explained that his walking had much less effect than it used to have because he was now 50lb lighter so he would need to either up the walks or start to carry a bag with 50lb of weights in.
Still on vacation and out of town so won't be weighing in for another week.

Your target seems very achievable and is the right way to lose weight if you want to be able to keep it off for the long stretch. As Sarah says, what are you going to substitute for the lack of soda, beer etc? It is a lot easier for many folks to substitute rather than drop food items, particularly once you have achieved your goal (I assume you won't go back to your old eating pattern, but ease up a little).

Just a thought: I drop a (decaf or noncaf/herbal) teabag into a 1/2 gallon pitcher of water and drink 4 or 5 cups a day (have 2 pitchers in fridge); in cold weather I nuke it before drinking.
Those sound good, Ronstar.
What is the plan for replacing the rest of those sodas? Do you like water? Lemonade? Diet drinks?
Also, try the Amstel light beer--it isn't bad for only 90 calories. I'm cutting out beer as well and giving myself just one night each week to have a "real meal" with beer or liquor.

Good luck!
I'm going to drink a lot of water - no lemonade or diet drinks. I also have Amstel light in stock from Christmas that will probably last me until March.
I'm going to drink a lot of water - no lemonade or diet drinks. I also have Amstel light in stock from Christmas that will probably last me until March.

I just read your post describing how you fell through the ice and broke your leg. Bad luck man, I hope you get better soon.

The time I fell through the ice I had a very similar experience in that the ice was too thin to get back out. However in my case the water was very deep and I was about 20 yds from shore so I had to break the ice and swim until it was shallow enough to walk.
All Time High 237 2007

06-16 223 32.7 bmi
06-18 221 31.7
06-25 220.5 31.6
07-2 217 31.1
07-9 217 31.1
07-23 219.5
10-20 219.4
10-29 218.8
skipped a week
11/12 220.4
11/19 220.0
12/04 220.0
12/11 218.2
12/24 219.6
12/31 219.6
I just read your post describing how you fell through the ice and broke your leg. Bad luck man, I hope you get better soon.

The time I fell through the ice I had a very similar experience in that the ice was too thin to get back out. However in my case the water was very deep and I was about 20 yds from shore so I had to break the ice and swim until it was shallow enough to walk.

The leg's feeling better now that the vicodin is kicking in.

You must be another Michael Phelps to swim 20 yards in those condistions.
The leg's feeling better now that the vicodin is kicking in.

You must be another Michael Phelps to swim 20 yards in those condistions.

It was very embarrassing so the adrenalin kept me going, plus I was also in my 20's. I was also dressed in parka and winter gear so it was very hard work. There were folks on the bank including one hysterical lady and one guy who was preparing to wade out to help and I shouted to him to stay where he was as I felt fine and was sure I could make it. I will attempt to attach a photo I took seconds before I fell through the ice. DW walked over and took the camera off me while I was treading water. She was able to walk back to bank before she fell through into 3ft of water. It was a reservoir which is why it was so deep.


  • Park Road 1.jpg
    Park Road 1.jpg
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Sarah, you must be a bit annoyed that you allowed yourself to backslide and have to lose those same 20lbs again. However, having done it once the second time around should be easier.

Ronstar, I feel your pain. Sounds like not a lot of fun to break your leg the way you did. I guess the big danger for you now is that your exercise is going to be restricted so rather than looking to lose weight you will have to be vigilant that you are not gaining.

Vinny, have you managed to kick that soda habit yet?

I'm struggling with my weight. Over the past 3 months I have managed to gain a further 2 lbs. That is in spite of me working out with my trainer 3 times a week doing a weight program. I have also been doing cardio 3 times a week. The gain is not due to muscle, in the time I have been going I have only lost 2lbs of fat. I'm amping my cardio up to 6-7 days a week for January to see if I can have a breakthru. If I see no change by the end of the month I am going to the Dr as there has to be something wrong with me as my diet is good and to not make any progress is so frustrating.
Sarah, you must be a bit annoyed that you allowed yourself to backslide and have to lose those same 20lbs again. However, having done it once the second time around should be easier.

Ronstar, I feel your pain. Sounds like not a lot of fun to break your leg the way you did. I guess the big danger for you now is that your exercise is going to be restricted so rather than looking to lose weight you will have to be vigilant that you are not gaining.

Vinny, have you managed to kick that soda habit yet?

I'm struggling with my weight. Over the past 3 months I have managed to gain a further 2 lbs. That is in spite of me working out with my trainer 3 times a week doing a weight program. I have also been doing cardio 3 times a week. The gain is not due to muscle, in the time I have been going I have only lost 2lbs of fat. I'm amping my cardio up to 6-7 days a week for January to see if I can have a breakthru. If I see no change by the end of the month I am going to the Dr as there has to be something wrong with me as my diet is good and to not make any progress is so frustrating.

Yes - I think my exercise will be restricted to upper body for a while.

I'm having a similar problem as you in losing weight. I did a running program through the summer and I gained weight. I agree, if you cant lose weight with a good diet, a lot of cardio, and working out with a trainer, maybe a doctor has the answer.
I am still stuck on the soda - Down to a liter a day though. It is sad that I can see the results in days when I don't drink soda. I switch to vitamin water just for the flavor of it but that stuff is expensive.
I am still stuck on the soda - Down to a liter a day though. It is sad that I can see the results in days when I don't drink soda. I switch to vitamin water just for the flavor of it but that stuff is expensive.

Can you not ween yourself onto diet soda? Also, we can buy orange, lemon and lime squashes that you use use just a few ounces mixed with water. Grew up on the stuff in England and in recent years it is now available in stores like Kroger in the British section.
I am still stuck on the soda - Down to a liter a day though. It is sad that I can see the results in days when I don't drink soda. I switch to vitamin water just for the flavor of it but that stuff is expensive.
Seltzer with mandarin orange or cranberry or lemon & lime flavor is a good substitute for the high calorie sodas. I find it quenches the thirst very well. You can usually find it in 1L bottles for away from home, or the 2L for home.
We got a free sample of Truvia (not to be confused with Trulia, the real estate web site) made from the leaves of the plant stevia, apparently a supersweet plant, to create erythritol. From the Truvia website: "Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, a carbohydrate found naturally in several fruits. Erythritol doesn't lead to tooth decay, is safe for people with diabetes and in reasonable amounts does not lead to gastrointestinal side effects (in other words, no gas or bloating)."

Has anyone heard of this?

Personally I'm going back to real sugar when I want something sweetened, which isn't often. Reolve to pick water instead of diet beverages with aspartame, splenda, whatever.
We got a free sample of Truvia (not to be confused with Trulia, the real estate web site) made from the leaves of the plant stevia, apparently a supersweet plant, to create erythritol. From the Truvia website: "Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, a carbohydrate found naturally in several fruits. Erythritol doesn't lead to tooth decay, is safe for people with diabetes and in reasonable amounts does not lead to gastrointestinal side effects (in other words, no gas or bloating)."

Has anyone heard of this?

Personally I'm going back to real sugar when I want something sweetened, which isn't often. Reolve to pick water instead of diet beverages with aspartame, splenda, whatever.

Not heard of Truvia before.

If you can hack water instead of diet beverages then that is definitely the way to go.
stress & food

I've mentioned before that I lost a lot of weight after retirement.

After I fell off the patio (Dec. '08) and landed on my hand, I gained about five pounds in just two weeks(the old stress eating pattern of fat and salt). Now that I'm feeling much better, I'm back to lots of fruits and vegetables.

Thinking back over my life, my weight gains and losses have been largely a result of stress level.

Just an observation/anecdote.
Not heard of Truvia before.

If you can hack water instead of diet beverages then that is definitely the way to go.

I make weak decaf/herbal tea (one tea bag to 1/2 gallon pitcher steeped overnight) and drink four or five glasses a day (nuked in cold weather).
I make weak decaf/herbal tea (one tea bag to 1/2 gallon pitcher steeped overnight) and drink four or five glasses a day (nuked in cold weather).

We do that occasionally, should do it more often as we really like it.

Stress eating is well documented - thanks for sharing your experience. I know that I suffer the same problem.
Happy New Year and good luck with your health programs, everyone. I think of one's own health maintenance as a critical part of a FIRE investment plan.

I need to get down to 133 pounds from 141, a lifetime high weight. I realize this is not a huge amount of excess weight, and middle age is supposed to be a time when we can let go a little at last; but my clothes are tight; feet ache; I don't feel right at all. Plus, the weight has come on rather quickly and I want to head this trend off at the pass.

I am a stress eater (sweets). Also, I don't seem to need the same number of calories I used to, even though I exercise regularly. When I have absorbed a lot of stress, I head straight for the chocolate, cookies, and/or ice cream, and once I get started it's hard to stop! I think it will help me stay on track if I "have" to report in to the forum every so often and show progress.

Two things that have been helpful in the past: Diet iced tea mix (mix up a big water-bottle full of it and drink it all day at work) and those little baby carrots that come in a bag. I find the baby carrots more satisfying and filling than other vegetables, or even fruit.

127#. Will be gone next week - going home to visit family over New Year's. Hopefully I'll be able to find a place to work out when I'm there. I'm sure there will be tons of food around!

128# Glad to have only gained one pound over the past 2 wks!

This is a whole 5# lighter than last year at this time (although total weight loss from all-time high is 11#).

That is a huge accomplishment, considering every year in January since 2004 I have been either heavier or the same weight. We have been tracking our weight for several years now in excel. Here's my summary:

2009 128#
2008 133#
2007 134#
2006 132#
2005 133#
2004 137#
2003 128#
2002 131#

Now, if I can just keep my weight down (and maybe, maybe lose another 5#?) by January 2010, that will really be something. I know it's not a lot of weight to lose, but it's really hard to keep those extra 5 or 10# off over the long term.
1/23: 196.8 17.1% body fat.
(snip ...)
7/30: 191.8 16.0%
(snip ...)
11/12: 195.2 17.1%
11/19: 195.0 17.0%
11/26: 195.6 17.1%
12/03: 198.2 17.8%
12/10: 196.6 16.8%
12/17: 197.6 16.5%
1/07/09: 200.6 17.9%

Goal: 190.0 15.3%

Not so good. Between the holidays and a broken toe, I've been eating too much and not exercising enough. I broke the toe 9 days ago, and my walk is still a limp -- putting weight on the ball of my foot is not comfortable.

I've got major shoulder surgery scheduled for Jan 19. I probably won't be able to work out much between now and then because of my toe. And then I'll be in a sling for at least six weeks. Hopefully at that point I can walk and use a stationary bike to prevent myself from completely falling apart.

I really wouldn't be terribly surprised if I gain another 10 pounds before this saga is over. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain my weight until I can start losing it again once I can really get going with my martial arts training again.
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