It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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I imagine that understanding Japanese commands spoken with a Portuguese accent is particularly difficult (or is it Portuguese commands with a Japanese accent?)

English commands with a Portuguese accent. I was hoping for Portuguese commands when I first started. ;-)

Kronk, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu sounds really hard!

Not sure if anyone cares, but Jiu Jitsu is kind of a catch-all term that can encompass a range of styles. Japanese Jiu Jitsu still exists, but it also was a precursor to Aikido, Hapkido, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

The Gracie family really focused a lot on grappling on the ground, and BJJ has eventually become more a tournament-based combat sport than anything these days. The school I go to doesn't even have any self-defense as part of the curriculum. So, despite wearing uniforms with belts, it is a non-traditional martial art, and no value is placed on culture or history.

Anyhow, it is a young man's sport, and I'm rapidly becoming too old (I'm 35) for it. It is all about rolling around on the ground grappling and trying to either choke out your opponent or get one of their joints in a painful and/or dangerous lock so that they give up. Most of the guys in there seem to be athletic weight lifter types in their 20's.

I don't read this very often but I may start. I bought a new scale with body fat % and BMI readings. I'm not about to post my numbers, but, after reading Kronks body fat reading, I'm some what depressed or something....jeepers. I've got a lot of work to do but I doubt that I will ever improve by body fat reading that much.:blush:

I'll just say that I weight 167# (5'6")...that's all you need to know.:D

The fat percentage readings for women are much different. High 20's to 30's is more common. And just use the fat percentage to track improvements or slippage. If you lose weight but your fat percentage goes up, you might need to exercise more to avoid losing muscle mass. And the percentage may fluctuate by a lot...
The fat percentage readings for women are much different. High 20's to 30's is more common.

I could wish!

When I change my username, maybe I should consider "Blob'O'Fat". :LOL:

That's OK - - after I retire I will have lots more time to get back to the weight machines at my gym, which I really like a lot and haven't been doing nearly enough of lately. That should bring my % fat down.
Those percentages (for women) do look better. So, maybe I'm not quite as depressed now.:) It is fun to read about nutrition and attempt to change your body/health...goals are good.
I don't read this very often but I may start. I bought a new scale with body fat % and BMI readings. I'm not about to post my numbers, but, after reading Kronks body fat reading, I'm some what depressed or something....jeepers. I've got a lot of work to do but I doubt that I will ever improve by body fat reading that much.:blush:

I'll just say that I weight 167# (5'6")...that's all you need to know.:D

That weight is not too bad at all :)

If you lose 10% of your body weight you will be well within the "healthy" weight range. See this BMI calculator

Set yourself a 12# target to get to a BMI of 25, then aim to maintain that for a while. That doesn't seem so bad does it?
Twelve pounds sounds about right, if I can stick with it. I bought a pedometer that counts steps and wore it for the first time today. It's 6:30 pm and I only have 4300 steps and that's with a 1 1/2 mile walk this morning. I have some work to do.:( Maybe this thread will keep my on track.:flowers:
5/27: 132 (post cruise)
6/3: 130
6/10: 129
6/17: 126
6/24: 126
7/1: 125
7/8: 126 (post weekend vacation)
7/15: 123
7/22: 123
7/29: 120!!!
8/5: 122
8/12: 120
8/19: 119
8/26: 118
9/2: 121 (post vacation weekend)
9/9: 117
9/16: 119
9/23: 118
9/30: 117 (post vacation weekend - Mobile)
10/7: 118
10/14: 118
10/21: 117
10/28: 119

11/3: 120 (post vacation weekend to KC)

Climbing back up there...too many vacation weekends! Gotta keep a close watch on this so it doesn't get out of control...

Highest was 139lb (2007)
5'4" Target range 116 - 121
week | date | D lbs | D lbs total
1 | Sep 30 | - 3.0 | - 3.0
2 | Oct 07 | - 1.2 | - 4.2
3 | Oct 14 | - 4.2 | - 8.4
4 | Oct 21 | +2.2 | - 6.2
5 | Oct 28 | +1.0 | - 5.2
6 | Nov 04 | - 2.4 | - 7.6

Thank goodness I'm back on track (after the gains from eating too much while celebrating my daughter's wedding). This coming week will be another tough one since I am retiring and consequently a lot of celebrations are planned.
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Well folks, in my first week I lost a total of 2 frik'in pounds. To me that's very dissapointing since I always understood that the first 10 were the easiest when you want to loose about 50. I cut out all junk food which was hard and didn't eat anything past 8:00pm which I've heard Dr. Oz say, mind you I don't watch him much but I figured it couldn't hurt.

If it's going to be this hard next week then all I can say is....This Sucks!

Congrats to those that lost weigh during the last week.
Just keep at it, My Dream! I think that losing 2 pounds is great, whether it took you one day, one week, or one month. Your weight loss will probably improve and show up next week. That happens sometimes.

I have a lot to lose too, and it constantly surprises me what a battle it is. Exercise helps me a lot (when I do it, and watch what I eat too). It doesn't even have to be that rigorous.
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Nice going, W2R! And you are really going to see results starting next week when that ton of stress falls from your shoulders.

Dream--don't be discouraged, you are going in the right direction.

I like your calendar, SG--look at the fun vacation outings, five in five months. And look how far you've come down in spite of gaining a bit on most (although what happened in Mobile :) ), from 132 following your cruise to 120 following vacation no. 5--and those show the results of the vacations! Wow.
Highest260May 2001
Lowest190June 2007

Holding steady, despite having entirely too much pizza over the weekend. And "Mega Fries" -- french fries with cheddar cheese sauce, mozarella, bacon and ranch dressing. I love that concoction. And Halloween candy -- I'm a sucker for Peanut M&M's, Snickers, Baby Ruth...

Amazing that I didn't gain a bunch of weight.
This is my first "official" Wednesday post.


I'm going to include the tenths of a pound...makes me feel better than rounding it UP.:D

I was able to walk a little over 7000 steps yesterday - that included a 2.25 mile walk. I've been reading Good Calories Bad Calories and I'm trying to eat more protein (and fat). I haven't been much of a meat eater for several years and began eating too much junk. I didn't have much energy. I had much more energy yesterday. I felt really good.

I've divided my waking hours so that I eat my main meals approx. at 9:00 am (breakfast) and 3 pm (main meal) with snacks at noon and 6:00 pm. Hopefully, my snacks will include just a tad of protein too. I will also try to eat mainly low GI carbohydrates.

Anyway...that's my plan. I hope I can stick with it for awhile.
Listing how much I have to lose to get to my intermediate goal.
12/5/08 13.8
12/10/08 12.8
12/17/08 12.7
12/24/08 11
12/31/08 12.6
1/4/09 11.6
10/18/09 4.9 after swine flu
11/4/09 4.6

Knowing I was going to post today helped me stay honest - thanks everybody. I'm almost back to full strength at the gym too!

W2R - fantastic! Enjoy the celebration this week, too.
My Dream, you're making a big change and going in the right direction, so hang in there. I've been where you are and I know it's easy to get down on yourself, but learning how to be positive and confident in your eventual achievement of buffness is part of the process. You may need to tune out negative waves from yourself and perhaps others around you who may feel threatened by your determination.
I appreciate all the support everyone and I understand that I am going in the right direction. I wasn't expecting to loose so little and feel so hungry all the time and only loose 2 frik'in pounds. I think to myself.........go hungry for a week to loose 2 pounds and I can eat and eat for a day and gain 3 pounds, the math just doesn't work out for me.

Congrats simple girl, Want2retire, Kronk, toofrugalformycat and happy2bretired you give me hope.
177.5 Nov 2008
180.5 Dec 26, 2008 a few holiday parties got me! :p
181 Dec 31, 2008 - weight is peaked :D
178 Jan 28
180 Feb 25
177 Mar 25
176 Apr 22
180.5 May 20
175 June 24 :dance:
182 Aug 2 - post cruise weight.
182.5 Aug 12 - oops! :D
180 Aug 26
180 Sep 30
180.5 Oct 29
177.5 Nov 4 - 3 lb loss just kinda happened. Must be an annual gravitational anomoly (see Nov 08 weight). :rolleyes: I've been alternating lots of healthy snacks vs regular dinner so dh2b and I can both maintain/lose weight.

Short Term Goal - 170 lbs and maintaining all through 2009
Long Term Goal - 165 lbs for 2010
High school weight 135 lbs senior year, running track
8/5 174.5
8/12 174
8/19 172.5
8/26 174
9/02 173.5
9/09 174
9/16 171.5
9/23 171.5
9/30-10/7 – away
10/14 175.5
10/21 176.5
10/28 174.5
11/03 176.5 - no comment :mad:

Highest was 210lb (2002)
6' 1" Target range 170 - 175.

Wow, the rest of you guys have a great week, well done everyone. Kronk, I don't know how you DIDN'T put on weight with what you ate. Enjoy that luxury while you are young and fit :cool:

Dream, don't be dis-heartened, my first weekly weigh in a few weeks ago was a loss of 2lb and it never got much better than that on a week to week to weigh in but I lost 40lb over the following 6 months and I'm sure you can as well if you "hold the line".

W2R - Excellent progress - I'll be very surprised if you don't gain weight this week with all the celebrating and partying you will be doing :LOL:
Well Alan, don't feel too bad, I gained some, too. We gotta knock it down next week, though! Can't let a trend develop!
I appreciate all the support everyone and I understand that I am going in the right direction. I wasn't expecting to loose so little and feel so hungry all the time and only loose 2 frik'in pounds. I think to myself.........go hungry for a week to loose 2 pounds and I can eat and eat for a day and gain 3 pounds, the math just doesn't work out for me.

Welcome to my world. :LOL:

I've got that same problem, goes on easy and fast, comes off slooowww and haaarrrrdd. :mad:

I got a treadmill a week ago, and have been kicking @ss on it all week, walking at 3.5 mph for an hour a day, 2% incline. Gained 1.5 lbs. According to the readout (and yes, I know they're not reliable) I've been burning over 400 calories/day. Eating has remained pretty much the same. No reasonable explaination that I can think of.

Having said that, I do know I'll feel better if I keep it up. And so will you. If you're truly depriving yourself, you'll probably fall off the wagon. Eat things, but not the bad stuff, and maybe not quite so much of it. I'm assuming you're not drinking sugary sodas and beer. Back at my heaviest time when I was drinking a lot of beer, I was able to lose 12 lbs in a couple of weeks by cutting the beer out. But when I didn't have anything easy to cut out the weight came off much more slowly. But even though I'm having problems losing now, I'm still down 25 lbs from my heaviest. Keep it up, and in 6 months you'll have some significant numbers to report too.
Can I request a lock be placed on the recent " Must Have Junk Food" thread cause it's mak'in me hungry and that's just not fair. I broke down and ate some almounds. Damn!!!!!!!

If you are serious you select select Thread Tools while you have it open choose "ignore thread" and that way it won't show up.


Forget about your weight and set yourself some exercise targets and aim to get fitter, just and remember "Fit is the new slim" :greetings10:
Scale is on the fritz, but portion control went well until my late dinner. Then major munchies kicked it.

Still, getting to the gym more, being aware, and blowing through the veggies for snacks is working OK so far as controlling hunger goes.

Still need to find the time to check out Weight Watchers -- I really think it would help me.
Can I request a lock be placed on the recent " Must Have Junk Food" thread cause it's mak'in me hungry and that's just not fair. I broke down and ate some almounds. Damn!!!!!!!

I opened that thread up, read a few posts, and immediately closed it! Cannot put myself through needless torture! :banghead:
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