June 31st--New Leap Day?!

Qs Laptop

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 11, 2018
Every four years there is leap day, an extra day to set the calendar back to accuracy. But who wants an extra day of winter? Not me.

I wonder what it would take to get a movement started to get the extra leap day put to June 31st?

Anybody with me?
Every four years there is leap day, an extra day to set the calendar back to accuracy. But who wants an extra day of winter? Not me.

I wonder what it would take to get a movement started to get the extra leap day put to June 31st?

Anybody with me?

Not until I understand the reason for the change. It wouldn't add any time to a 2-week vacation...14-days is 14-days. So, why?
That sounds similar to global warming being solved by eliminating Daylight Saving Time and the extra hour of daylight it gives us. Only groundhog Phil can grant us a shorter winter.
I see no difference. Tomorrow is always tomorrow, no matter what date is assigned to it.

Kinda like money being fungible, so all $'s are alike and replaceable by another identical $.
The end of February marks the end of the "meteorological winter" (December, January, February). I would leave Leap Day at February 29th.
Every four years there is leap day, an extra day to set the calendar back to accuracy. But who wants an extra day of winter? Not me.

I wonder what it would take to get a movement started to get the extra leap day put to June 31st?

Anybody with me?

Brilliant idea. I'm in.

I had a great uncle die on the Minnesota prairie back in 1882. He was 6, his parents (my great grand parents) were homesteaders from Norway.

On his tombstone the date of his death is February 30, 1882. I couldn't figure this out til an old Norwegian told me that the Norwegian calendar had 30 days in February at the time. That's what they used.

I bought him a new stone last year and made sure the date of death still read February 30th. The stone mason got a kick out of that. He is a Norwegian too.
I think that while it (2/29) balances the gregorian calendar, it also keeps us aligned with the solstice/equinox cycle. So moving it to June would eventually throw things more out of whack.
think of all the old software that will need rewriting, it'll create programming jobs for retirees and confuse the heck out of AI, let's do it
There are no extra days, just a naming convention.
think of all the old software that will need rewriting, it'll create programming jobs for retirees and confuse the heck out of AI, let's do it

Yeah, anyone recall Y2K?:(
I remember Elvis once singing a song with the lyrics about getting married. Something like...

"July'd be nice I reckon. I will meet you at the church, July the thirty-second!"
Interesting topic!!!
I suppose if we wanted the change, it would be good for us. The people in Australia would maybe not like it because it would be winter there.

It wouldn't make everyone a have camper I would guess.
Yet another thing I couldn't care less about.
You'd have my vote. But having worked for the Vatican Observatory which figured out how to correct the calendar about 540 years ago, I'm by the effectiveness and legacy of their work! You can't argue with astronomical observations and they are used to this day to correct GPS, global clocks, and other important time-related values. Today the US Naval Observatory serves that function...yes, the same place the Vice President lives.
I mean, if we're gonna change up the calendar, how about we just go to a standard 28-day month with 13 months? Then you'd only have a leap day once every 22 years (though you'd also need to work in 2 extra leap days somewhere every 110 years to keep the solar calendar totally in check).

But hey, 28-day months would make things much simpler. 4 weeks every month, every month the same length. Of course, the superstitious bunch would probably have a conniption fit every Octemberary (or whatever you name month #13).
People should be allowed to choose their own leap day for what works best for them as individuals. That seems like the fairest solution. Many corporations give a "floating holiday" or two that people can use on whichever day they want, so why not a "floating leap day"?

:D :LOL:
You still get exactly the same days. All that changes is the date.
Moving the extra day to June would mess up the knuckle mnemonic which is a mnemonic device for remembering the number of days in the months of the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
You still get exactly the same days. All that changes is the date.

True, but now that extra day is in the summer, not winter. That makes it a more desirable time of year for a leap day, at least for people in the northern states.
True, but now that extra day is in the summer, not winter. That makes it a more desirable time of year for a leap day, at least for people in the northern states.

I believe what he was saying is that nothing would be any different. If you move the leap day to be June 31st our orbit around the sun & the weather wouldn't care what day we say it is. All that would change is that all the days between Feb 29 & Jun 31 would be "moved up", so the winter conditions would extend one extra day into the spring/summer.

It's remarkable, the hubris that we can randomly decide to change the orbit of the sun, moon, and stars... :rolleyes:
I have been giving this some thought while I work on lengthening a blanket on my bed that is too short. It’s a bit too short to provide protection from the cold starting at the collarbone. I am cutting off 6 inches from the bottom and sewing it to the top so as to lengthen the blanket from my collarbone to the top of my neck. It’s cheaper than buying a new one.
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