Just heard Dr. Phil tell a woman........................

Some housemates in college got on to Jerry with a fictionalized story. I suspect a lot of the :confused::eek: tales are just that.
I guess that's what ER is all about then..

Oprah, Dr. Phil, and Jerry Springer...

I would hope that when the time comes for me that I'll have somewhat better use of my time than that
God , what a legacy for a Nation to be remembered by.

10,000 years from now when they are teaching the History of Civilisation, Rome had Caeser, the US had Dr Phil.
((^+^)) SG said:
Jay,  You have to stop doing that.  When you are scrolling down the page and come to one of those giant pictures of Suzy . . . well . . . it's creepy.   :mad:

I could have posted a picture of Dr. Phil, but that would have been just as bad (if not worse). On second thought, for the sheer sadistical value, I'll do just that!


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One thing I know about Dr. Phil- do not diss him to a woman. I think he serves as a kinder, gentler, more empathic fantasy alternative to the actual husband or boyfriend that his female fans are putting up with.

Hard for them to imagine that Dr. Phil would spend the family savings on 500hp cars that inject nitrous.  :)

Jay_Gatsby said:
I could have posted a picture of Dr. Phil, but that would have been just as bad (if not worse).  On second thought, for the sheer sadistical value, I'll do just that!
You're right twice. It is just as bad and you are sadistic. :D :D :D
((^+^)) SG said:
You're right twice.  It is just as bad and you are sadistic.   :D :D :D

Too true. Found this one on the web as well.


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MasterBlaster said:
I guess that's what ER is all about then..

Oprah, Dr. Phil, and Jerry Springer...

I would hope that when the time comes for me that I'll have somewhat better use of my time than that


When I was working and envisioned myself retired, I was always on a Beach with a Frosty Beverage in hand.

After you retire, the garbage still needs taking out, groceries need to bought, cars still need oil changes etc. - When you take a break from the project you are working on and flip on the boob tube - Dr. Phil might be on. But I multiprocess - I have my laptop and also waste time on this forum. I try to have a nice Glass of Cabernet also. :)

But, I tell myself - the worst Dr. Phil show is still better than the best Corporate Meeting I ever attended! :D
But, I tell myself - the worst Dr. Phil show is still better than the best Corporate Meeting I ever attended!

Well you've got a point there.

Still I would hope that I don't become a daytime TV-addict just cause I don't have anything to do.

I think I like the frosty drink and a beach image over Jerry Springer.
Although corporate meetings and dr phil shows do have something in common. I watched both of them and in both cases kept finding myself saying "There cant actually be people this stupid...".
Oh crap, you know I cant resist a demand from a fellow gigolo...

I've one upped...Suze Orman with Dr. Phil on her head with a pizza on his head...


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Now I just have to dangle her from a helicopter thats about to be consumed by a great white shark...
Why not a pancake?

Better still, let's have a Suze Orman photoshop contest!
I don't find Dr. Phil all that bad. ;)

......but his wife Robin has something about her that just freaks me out. :'(

Her eyes and perfect porcelain dentures say she isn't strung right! :p
Zipper said:
I don't find Dr. Phil all that bad. ;)

......but his wife Robin has something about her that just freaks me out. :'(

Her eyes and perfect porcelain dentures say she isn't strung right! :p

Yeah, she's got that Texas Beauty Queen persona in Public! - I wonder what she looks like in the morning without makeup in a bitchy mood! - No you're not going fishin today!!! :(
Well then just tell her if you can't fish she can't give stupid advise.
() said:
She said it had been days since she'd had a drink. A guest sitting about 4 feet away said "Sorry, but I can smell the vodka from here".
A not infrequent conversation aboard Navy vessels:
Petty officer: "Was alcohol a factor in this incident?"
Seaman: "Nope."
Leading Petty Officer: "Was alcohol a factor in this incident?"
Seaman: "Nope."
Leading Chief Petty Officer: "Was alcohol a factor in this incident?"
Seaman: "No, Chief."
Division Officer: "Was alcohol a factor in this incident?"
Seaman: "No, sir."
Department head: "Was alcohol a factor in this incident?"
Seaman: "No, sir."
XO: "Was alcohol a factor in this incident?"
Seaman: "No, sir."
CO: "Were you drinking alcohol when you wrecked the car?"
Seaman: "Heck, no, Captain, we'd stopped drinking an hour ago!"
The difference between a corporate meeting and Dr. Phil is that it's OK to laugh out loud at Dr. Phil... :D
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