Just want to say how proud I am of my daughter.!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 3, 2019
This week end my daughter graduated from Dental school. This was long journey. She graduated HS in 2008 and went on to a 4 yr degree from UF and got what I thought was great paying job for a 21 year old. She worked three years and then decided she wanted more (money), mom had been trying to get her to become a pharmacist and had been telling her she (we), would pay if she went back to school. She decided on being a dentist, she need the premed classes, that was two years of schooling, then she was ready for Dental school but it was the wrong time of year, so she went and got a Masters to enhance her Dental school application. Finally she was excepted to Dental school, four years later we can now call her Dr. :cool:

That was a 7 year trip from start to finish. She certainly looks into the future and sticks to it. She let that marshmallow sit for a long, long, time!

She begins a job in week and her starting salary is $137,500. You go Girl !
Proud Daddy!
This week end my daughter graduated from Dental school. This was long journey. She graduated HS in 2008 and went on to a 4 yr degree from UF and got what I thought was great paying job for a 21 year old. She worked three years and then decided she wanted more (money), mom had been trying to get her to become a pharmacist and had been telling her she (we), would pay if she went back to school. She decided on being a dentist, she need the premed classes, that was two years of schooling, then she was ready for Dental school but it was the wrong time of year, so she went and got a Masters to enhance her Dental school application. Finally she was excepted to Dental school, four years later we can now call her Dr. :cool:

That was a 7 year trip from start to finish. She certainly looks into the future and sticks to it. She let that marshmallow sit for a long, long, time!

She begins a job in week and her starting salary is $137,500. You go Girl !
Proud Daddy!

That is very exciting and something to be very proud of!! I'm happy for you and I know of how proud a parent can be when a child has success.
Congratulations to your daughter and to Mom and Dad for supporting her dream!
Congratulations to her on a fantastic accomplishment! It's also great that you were able to provide financial support to match her ambition and work ethic. Well done.
Some people will go to great lengths to avoid those big dental bills. :D

Awesome work, Dad (and Mom)! So satisfying to know you did a great job of parenting. Parenting is never over but the heavy lifting is now done. Congratulations.
Congratulations, that is a very competitive program to get into.

Dental school was the most miserable four years of my life. Best of luck to her. Having the mature outlook that a previous career provides should help considerably.
Thanks all, it's a real big deal and she loves it! While in school they put on clinics to help poorer people get dental care, she once pulled 31 teeth over a weekend. She said she could have done more, but she had to share with other students.

Yes we are rare and lucky that we could pay for her schooling, a year of tuition is more than we spend on our living expenses. Glad that's over! ;)
You have every right to be a “proud Daddy”.

Congratulations. :dance:
Congratulations, that is a very competitive program to get into.

Dental school was the most miserable four years of my life. Best of luck to her. Having the mature outlook that a previous career provides should help considerably.

Yes, and I think she was lucky, she said she was going to apply to 10 schools just in case, well she didn't, it was only one and maybe two, but I don't think she had a backup, being married, she didn't want to move away from her husband's job and this school was maybe 5 miles from their home. The first round (100 students are picked) she wasn't chosen. Then some of those picked decided on others schools where they were picked. The second round she was picked.
For her final year which is in clinic 'practicing', they had two clinics one in Pennsylvania and the other 50 miles from mom and dad's house, lucky she got the one close to mom and dad. The girl is driven, her husband was 400 miles away and she drove home about 80% of her weekends to see her hubby and work on the fixer upper house they bought. She did that for a year. Talk about putting mileage on a car.
It sounds like she had an even more grueling experience than most. Life will get better, soon.
Congratulations! That was a long haul for her!:)

My nephew's wife became a dentist and then a dental surgeon. She has her own practice now and is doing extremely well.
It sounds like she had an even more grueling experience than most. Life will get better, soon.

Oh, she's good now, she's back in her new home that they have been fixing up, with her hubby, two cats, and a dog. The have seen Dolphin and Manatee in the channel in their backyard. He has caught supper from his yard, the need to set some pilings for the boat dock and they will be in their heaven.

But ya, she takes after my wife going 100% all out. Her hubby can't keep up, just as I can't keep up with my wife.
Great example of a different road.

BIL retired 2 years ago from dentistry it's amazing how things changed. When he got out in the 80s a salaried position was impossible for him to find. He did some contract work for a dentist across the state who liked telling him he paid the hygienist more money.
Congrats!! Very happy for you!
Yes, and I think she was lucky, she said she was going to apply to 10 schools just in case, well she didn't, it was only one and maybe two, but I don't think she had a backup, being married, she didn't want to move away from her husband's job and this school was maybe 5 miles from their home. The first round (100 students are picked) she wasn't chosen. Then some of those picked decided on others schools where they were picked. The second round she was picked.

That happened to my sister who applied to Medical school at age 31, married, 3 little kids. I think she got the letter of acceptance about a week before classes started. As a woman born in the 1950s, I love stories like these.

Good luck to her- she sounds driven and dedicated. I have an otherwise pretty healthy body with an expensive mouth and really value my dentist and my oral surgeon- it's important work.
Congrats on the achievement! The whole family deserves kudos!
Congratulations on your daughter’s achievement! Isn’t it satisfying to see your offspring accomplish their dreams?
Will she offer FIRE discounts? [emoji851]
Great news, good for her!

We are attending DSD's graduation from UCLA next week. Tis the season - :)
Congratulations on your daughter’s achievement! Isn’t it satisfying to see your offspring accomplish their dreams?
Will she offer FIRE discounts? [emoji851]

I just hope she can follow some FIRE principals, she likes her fancy stuff.
I hope they save $100k a year between the two of them, They have been living on his income for over 5 years, so they could save 70% of her income
and use the rest to pay taxes. They say that is the plan, Time will tell.
I have a son that is banking 60% of his income, but he has the advantage of living with mom and dad.
LBYM is a four-letter word to my daughter.

Congratulations, Time2. I know how that pride feels.
Congratulations to your daughter! Awesome accomplishment!!
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