Keeping insulin cool on vacation


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Oct 3, 2007
We are off for 5 week vacation next week and as i'm diabetic i have to use insulin on a daily basis,i'm trying to figure out a way to keep the insulin cool in the car without having to bring a camping cooler along during the trip.Any ideas?
One of those 12 volt coolers? Still a cooler though but no ice to mess with..
Jambo, you don't really have to refrigerate insulin, it just can't get really hot as it apparently loses effectiveness. I have a bad internet connection, but you can buy cold packs for insulin that might work great for you. Frio is one maker. If I can get a better signal, I'll find you a link.
My parents (mother diabetic) drove all around the country with a cool chest (stopping now and then for a bag of ice).
don't they have relatively small electric fridges that you can run off a car battery?
like this: 4 Liter AC/DC Portable Mini Fridge Cooler Warmer (Red): Everything Else

oo there is a special one just for meds.. Medi Fridge Micro-Refrigerator: Health & Personal Care
but I guess it wouldn't hold a 5-week supply..

Best of luck and have a great trip! Hey, you are from Montreal.. I went up there for the Jazz Festival long ago.. it was a blast, but I could not believe the extreme heat and humidity.. loved the music, the atmosphere and that smoked meat!
Stay cool now!
Unless you have a special type of issue (check with your doctor) you do not generally need to refrigerate your insulin.

The confusion may arise in that once you stop refrigerating it, it is only good for around a month. If you kee the vials refrigerated, it is good until the expiration date.

So if your doctor agrees, take only as much as you will need for a month or less at room temperature, and don't worry about it. If you'll be gone for more than a month, you may need to either refrigerate part of your stash, or arrange for a refill through a pharmacy at your destination.
One of those 12 volt coolers? Still a cooler though but no ice to mess with..

I have one of those 12v coolers and it works great. Plugs into the car's cigarette lighter while on the road, and it also has an AC/DC adapter so you can take it into your hotel room and plug it in. I don't recall off hand where we bought it, but it was more than likely Walmart, K-Mart, or Walgreen's, and cost $25 or less.
Hey, you are from Montreal.. I went up there for the Jazz Festival long ago.. it was a blast, but I could not believe the extreme heat and humidity.. loved the music, the atmosphere and that smoked meat!
Stay cool now!

We just wrapped up another successful jazzfest
Festival International de Jazz de Montréal – Home
Clicking on the calender will bring up who was playing that day,And as usual it was really hot.

Thanks for all the ideas,i'll see what wallmart has to offer..
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