King Kong. A racist movie? What do u think?

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Full time employment: Posting here.
Oct 27, 2005
Firsst, I am asian. Second, I stole these questions from another post and thought it's kind of interesting. Last, I was just wonder when are we going to STOP talking about racism on everything... As an asian, I just accept racism exist and try NOT to pick "everything" that similar or seems to be racist (trying to keep my insane).

how is this relate to RE? i don't know but i would like to know the percentage of millionarie by race in the US. Personally, I know alot of first generation asian family are millionaire. yup, we got 4 in the family.

Here is the post about king kong

Does King Kong picture bear racial subtext toward dark people?

whether it is version 1933 or 1976 or 2005, the movie king Kong shows:

1-White people going to remote islands reminds of the white british slavery traders going to africa back in the expedition era.
2-King Kong eats dark women but falls in love with white blond woman.
3-The capture of King Kong is a reminder of these white slave traders capturing black africans.
4-The transfer of King Kong to New York is a reminder of black slaves moved to the new world.
5-the exhibition of King Kong for profits is a reminder of slaving black africans in cotton fields and other areas.
6-The revolt and subsequent destruction of KK is a warning to the dark slaves that light-skinned people will prevail.

what say you?
Original post deleted in deference to wildcats post below, which is far better!
No offense Enuff2eat but I think this would be a much better forum if we left discussion of race, religion and politics out as much as possible.  Sometimes conversations drift in that direction off topic but starting a thread with race as a topic is a dangerous place to go and could scare off people that we would like to have around.  Others may comment but just my 2 cents.
I couldn't agree more, Wildcat!!!!!!!!!

It's a movie, fer chrissakes!!!!!!!! It's no allegory. It sorta goes back to Freud's comment that sometimes a cigar is just a smoke.

Let's talk about money and all things ER & FI

Enuff2Eat said:
what say you?

Well, as an amateur semioticist, I would say all the points you raised are interesting.and probably do relate to very old and deep feelings about race.

Race is a big reality, in America, and likely everywhere else in this world anyway.

Discrimination is a whole other thing- and as you pointed out, in America, you and your Asian family have not faced much of that. IMO, neither do Africans at the present time. Although they clearly did in earlier times..

sorry everyone, didn't want to "piss" everyone off. please remove the posting if you can.

yes, my all all all time topic is EARLY RETIREMENT. even my wife is sick of hearing it.


Enuff, I'm going to lock rather than delete your topic. Think there were some good replies and they should be preseved for others to see.

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