LBYM wearing off on relatives


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 15, 2010
My bro got a new iPhone 6 and went DIY/LBYM on the case!


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There is a thin line between frugal and cheap that your bro seems to be clueless about. :facepalm: :D
I've found surprisingly nice cases on eBay for a couple of bucks. There will be ones for iPhone 6 soon, if not already.
He actually did order a case from mono price for a few bucks. I have no idea why he went for painters and duct tape to cover the interim time period other than insomnia. It's the stupidest thing i've seen.

On the serious side, he and his wife are starting to learn more about LBYM. His wife is reading MMM. He's a physician and doesn't like to read stuff about investing but at least he realizes that his mutual fund with a 2% MER is a big ripoff. I think our FIREing has been a big motivation for them to get things in order.
Wow. If that's duct tape, won't it leave a sticky residue?

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He used painters tape first (that's the green) and then covered it with the duct tape.

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My niece decorated her laptop with duct tape and it looked great. But your brother is not as artistic.
The new iPhone is a hot commodity...maybe bro is trying to not have his stolen with this camouflage?

I've heard of people buying expensive, brand-new bikes and then spraying them with "rust in a can" just so that they don't get stolen.
What book is MMM if I may ask?

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Ah! Thank you. I had no idea!

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His "classy" new phone cover should discourage theft.
My niece decorated her laptop with duct tape and it looked great. But your brother is not as artistic.

Yeah artistic ability doesn't run in our family

The new iPhone is a hot commodity...maybe bro is trying to not have his stolen with this camouflage?

His "classy" new phone cover should discourage theft.

He has said that he didn't want to appear too ostentatious to his patients. He works in a small and relatively poorer town and I think iphones are not common. However, I'm not sure that duct tape will fool anyone.

I just googled "duct tape iPhone case" and got 833,000 hits.

I had no idea that this was so popular. Some of these look really good (at least in photos).
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