Less than 2 years to go !!!


Dryer sheet wannabe
Jun 12, 2007
:dance:Hi, My name is Joe, and I am new to the site. I had a 4 month disability a couple of years ago (fine now), but during that time I really realized how much I would like to be retired. Its not that I dislike my company (23 yrs) or job, its just that I realize how short life is and want to spend the rest of it doing what I want to do and spend more time with my family. Sometimes just sitting in my backyard enjoying just "being" is great. I have been investigating new hobbies, and getting in better shape. I bought a "countdown clock" and I think it is time to programm it.I got hooked on genealogy, enjoy gardening, cycling, hiking, and being outdoors. My dream is to thru-hike the Appalachain Trail... I have read many books on it... I hope I am able to "make it happen". I love being part of the baby boom generation... I think if they could attribute one thing to us, it would be how we changed music. We had sooo many great bands, and even one-hit wonders. I still love listening to clasic rock. I saw the Guess Who, Joe Cocker, the Stones with Billy Preston, Aerosmith at a hotel lobby in Newport when they were just getting popular and so many others. My friend and I hitch-hiked to Watkin's Glenn, NY for the weekend classic of many bands. I think us baby boomers will change retirement also. I am glad I found this website and forumn.
Hey Joe, welcome, and glad you got around to that second post. :) Lots of good music, huh?
Hi Joe ! Set that clock ! I love just sitting outdoors listening to whatever is making a sound and just "being". I'm looking forward to ER to do just that ! (along with some golf)
Sounds like you're ready and have something to retire too. Two pieces of advice.

I started a countdown with two years to go. A grid with twenty four months to go. Switched to weeks when I got to 24 weeks if I remember right. Finally switched to days during the last month. The more you count, the more you feel the time drag by. And this leads me into my second piece of advice.

Keep your date, even you whole plan to retire close to the vest. MY countdown calendar become famous around the building and people would stop in to ask how long I had to go. During the last six months it got to be crazy. I wanted to forget about it, but people wouldn't let me. I was constantly reminded exactly how many months, weeks or days I had. It became a real mental obstacle.

Of course, I was in a bad place and wanted out desperately, but was waiting to qualify for a pension. I had to wait. It got so stressful, I got shingles about a month before I left. Everytime I look back, I am so glad I retired. Best thing I ever did.

Hope it goes fast for you. Planning is the best thing you could do don't over do it. Take some time now and right after you retire to just enjoy. I tried to enjoy the process, and did a lot of the time. Don't necessarily plan setting off on some long distance hike on day one. Give it a few weeks or months and enjoy the freedom to do absolutely nothing. Good luck and I look forward to hearing more about your journey.
Hi Joe,

It sounds like you have a plan. Congratulations!

I just retired about 6 months ago after being semi retired for 4-5 years. I did not have a target date but my job came to an end and I was close enough. I delayed my original retirement plans after the meltdown of the financial markets a few years ago. I found that staying flexible work out well for me. I also started to live on what I thought my income would be in retirement. Additionally, I took care of major home improvements and repairs and started keeping a closer eye on my expenses.
Hi Joe,
welcome to the forums.
Let me know when you need a ride from Atlanta airport to the southern AT terminus (offer good for any forum members BTW)
Thanks, that is great advice. Sometimes I am so tempted to talk about when I plan to retire, but now I'm glad i did not,,,, and won't !!
Welcome and congratulations! I agree with not telling folks at work about your retirement plans. I did not want everyone to know about my plans either. I started my trek to FIRE five years ago. Then two years ago I posted my targeted FIRE date inside my slave cube at Megacorp. The posted date was secret and un-labeled, but in a place where I could always see it and be encouraged. For the last year I have been tracking the count down date with a free count down ap "Big Day Lite". Just 32 days to go! As luck would have it, I was offered a severance package 4 days before my target date. I was glad that my plans had not been public knowledge.
Best of luck. You can do it.:dance:

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