Life Expectancy calculator

93 for me. Yes, I gave them a fake e-mail address and it worked.

I don't think I will live that long. If I do, I won't remember it b/c I am likely to get the dreaded Alzheimer's disease.
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91. I still plan for us to live to 100, in case we screw up and live that long.
My result said 95. We will see not sure I can beleive that but that age would be nice if health was fairly good.
I suspect freebie sites like these are certainly predictive & entertaining but ultimately data accumulators, akin to 23me's DNA data analisis for a fee.

I do not want to live past 85, unless medical science develops meteorically!

Good luck & Best wishes..
I do not want to live past 85, unless medical science develops meteorically!
It's not medical science that worries me... It's what the quality of life would be..... Makes all the difference in the world to me.
it said 96 for me, and that brought back an odd memory.

Some time in her 80s, I accompanied my mother to her doctor for something, and they got to chatting. For whatever reason, the doc said "How long do you think you'll live?"
Without a split second's hesitation, mom said "96."

A bit taken aback, he asked her why, and her response was "My father lived to 96 and I'm a lot like him so I will too."

Sure enough, she made it to 96. So when I saw that number for me, I had to wonder, because I'm a lot like he was too!
. It's what the quality of life would be..... Makes all the difference in the world to me.

As noted before, DW's father will be 95 in a couple weeks. Compared to so many he's led an illness free life; he's fallen a few times in the last little while, and he's ready to leave.

"Well, if we go to heaven, and some say we don't
But if there's a reckoning day
Please God, I'll see You and maybe I won't
I've a bag packed to go either way"

Mark Knopfler Heart Full of Holes


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Poor me, I'm only gonna make it to 88.

As a side note, my first three attempts at a fake email address, composed entirely of naughty words, were rejected as "already taken". On the fourth attempt I made up one that worked. I guess I'm just not very imaginative when it comes to creating fake addresses.

88 for me

created fake email to get answer
83 for me, which is 19 years away. Considering both my parents and two of my grandparents died young, I wasn’t surprised. But they all smoked. I never have.
I got 96. I don’t expect that to happen.
I got 85. I hope that I do better than that number. I need to start exercising more. I have already outlived my paternal grandparents, parents and one brother. I also feel lucky I have made it this far.
Mine said 83, so I’ve got another 24 years. My paternal grandparents passed at 60 and 62, maternal grandparents at 77 and 80. All of them had cancer except maternal grandpa who had a heart attack, then a stroke in his late 50s and early sixties, and died of a massive heart attack at 77. My mom is 84, has congestive heart failure and a pacemaker, and dad at 85 has now had two bouts of cancer and has heart issues. That said, while didn’t run my wife’s numbers, she is Japanese and skinny as a rail. She’ll probably live 95, so we still have to make the funds last...
I answered honestly, and it said I'd make it to 94 (I doubt that). Just for fun I changed many of my answers: e.g., 30 pounds overweight, no exercise, high HDL. I guess the calculator tries to be honest; I'm currently 68 and with my phony info it said I'd make it only to 73.
What about the new breakthroughs where we can extend life?
I hope for break throughs, until then I'm following this regime after talking with my doc and getting a list of what he takes.
Resveratrol, Metformin, Tumeric, Nicotinamide Riboside or MNM, I also take a multivitamin, D3-K2, CoQ10 and Magnescium Citrate. I also take a BP pill and a cholesterol pill.

If nothing else, I can say I have expensive urine!
What have I noticed in my N of 1 experiment? When I first retired I had no energy, took a nap everyday and mostly surfed the internet. Now, I walk 3 to 5 miles 4 or 5 days a week and rarely take a nap. In between these two periods we had a hurricane and I was forced to do a huge cleanup and rebuild, so maybe it was just getting started, that helped with my enegy level. Whatever the reason I feel better overall. I have also noticed the sun spots and moles on my arms and legs have either disappeared or lightened considerably.
This is even though I get more sun on my arms and legs, (at least over the summer) because of my walking at least 6 hrs a week.
90 for me. I'm fine with that, as long as I don't need long term, or memory care. If so, I'd prefer to go earlier.
I hope for break throughs, until then I'm following this regime after talking with my doc and getting a list of what he takes.
Resveratrol, Metformin, Tumeric, Nicotinamide Riboside or MNM, I also take a multivitamin, D3-K2, CoQ10 and Magnescium Citrate. I also take a BP pill and a cholesterol pill.

If nothing else, I can say I have expensive urine!
What have I noticed in my N of 1 experiment? When I first retired I had no energy, took a nap everyday and mostly surfed the internet. Now, I walk 3 to 5 miles 4 or 5 days a week and rarely take a nap. In between these two periods we had a hurricane and I was forced to do a huge cleanup and rebuild, so maybe it was just getting started, that helped with my enegy level. Whatever the reason I feel better overall. I have also noticed the sun spots and moles on my arms and legs have either disappeared or lightened considerably.
This is even though I get more sun on my arms and legs, (at least over the summer) because of my walking at least 6 hrs a week.

Interesting, thanks for sharing what you take. I take some of the same supplements (and a few that you don't take), but I do not take any prescription meds at this time. I also think it is important to monitor several different things to help gauge how one is doing, health-wise. Mark Sisson wrote an article a while back about 7 different "biomarkers" he believes are important to monitor regularly, so that you can track how you are doing, and make lifestyle/diet changes if needed to get back on track. Here is a link to the article, for those interested:
Physical activity is always good. We were made to fight to survive. If your muscles don't ache at the end of the day you haven't had enough exercise.
... If your muscles don't ache at the end of the day you haven't had enough exercise.

Sometimes my muscles ache without exercise :)

Seriously, I agree with you. Even though Covid has driven me out of the gym, I have a dumbbell routine at home that I do daily, plus I walk a mile or so each day (outdoors when possible, in a local mall if the weather's bad).
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