Lightbulb security cam


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 11, 2012
Anyone using these? Experiences good or bad? They look good and very inexpensive. Question is are they cheap toys, or are there some that are really good and better than the others? Getting power to a camera is something I prefer not to deal with, but these things totally eliminate that issue. Any that integrate with Google Home that folks have come upon?
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One question that should be asked IMO about every video device: Where does the video go? Does it leave the house? Is it stored somewhere? For how long? Who has access to it without getting my permission? Can I see (read) a copy of the licensing agreement before I buy?

IMO also, companies that store customer's security information are hacker magnets. Any burglar would like to case the joint and determine whether anyone is at home before making his move. Hackers will sell him this kind of access if they can get it.
One question that should be asked IMO about every video device: Where does the video go? Does it leave the house? Is it stored somewhere? For how long? Who has access to it without getting my permission? Can I see (read) a copy of the licensing agreement before I buy?

I would also add this question - Will the manufacturer provide regular security updates for the device? If so for how long?

The IIS (Internet of Insecure Things) is huge. Often these gadgets that connect to your home wifi are a weak point that bad guys can use to get into your home network. Or they can hijack them to use for their own nefarious purposes (like a denial of service attack).
I thought about them - cheap and easy installation - decided against buying any because it needs a clear field of view - so a bare bulb fixture, no shade or bulb concealing. Didn't think they would work in a can light either except maybe pretty directly below the light. They sure seem cool though - maybe you should buy one, try it out, and post how great it is - get my buying fever to override naysaying thoughts.
We lived without any security cameras for years and then just recently discovered Wyze. We now have three in use including a doorbell cam and I am not sure what we did without them. We always know who was around the house, when something is left at the door. We also have two WI-FI enabled lights in the house. We even have a doggy cam set up.
Peace of mind for when we are gone.
I thought about them - cheap and easy installation - decided against buying any because it needs a clear field of view - so a bare bulb fixture, no shade or bulb concealing. Didn't think they would work in a can light either except maybe pretty directly below the light. They sure seem cool though - maybe you should buy one, try it out, and post how great it is - get my buying fever to override naysaying thoughts.

I agree on all points. We have two outdoor sockets above our garage, and one of them would be just perfect because it has a covering over the top with the socket, and the front which is clear plastic - we'd just take the front off. The top, where the socket comes down from, would provide some protection.

I really wish that google would make one of these and then I wouldn't have to search and have decisions to make. There are a lot of these, mostly from Chinese companies at prices that start under $20 each, going up to around $50. However, I have a feeling that you get what you pay for here, and many are going to be junk. I'd rather just pay a fair price off the bat, and know what I'm getting. I may have just talked myself into waiting for google/Nest to come out with one.
I like Wyze. Previously had installed cat5 powered cameras, switched to Wyze and used a POE power injector + cat5 adaptor to usb to power the Wyze cameras. Easy to do and didn't require any additional wiring. Wyze also has battery powered cameras out now. Still waiting for them to come out with an outdoor rated movable camera.
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