Live to be 150

2. The calorie restriction couple that have been restricting their calories for 14 years. They supposedly weigh every piece of food that they eat. Really? I mean after the first several years I bet you pretty much know how much to put on your plate. Probably just for show.
Habit. I've been making coffee for over 30 years yet I still scoop it out with a teaspoon or a tablespoon (should they be referred to as "coffeespoons"?) instead of eyeballing it into the filter.

Walford's original research is probably on the right track but it's certainly subject to over-interpretation. I think some of the CR crowd have anal-retentive quantification behavior that makes nuclear-trained submariners look like happy-go-lucky carefree hedonists. (Maybe it's a side effect of the self-imposed starvation.) I just wish there was more/better data on the concept.
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