Living Your Best Life


Dryer sheet aficionado
Aug 26, 2016
What are you doing to live your best life?

I’m sitting on the balcony more often and watching/photographing the sunsets.

I’m trying to say yes to my wife more when she wants to buy things, go places, travel, eat out, etc.

Read more books.

Listen to more music. Try new artists/groups. Experiment/buy new headphones, IEMs, amps, DACs. And rotate through what I have.

Exercise more by using the treadmill. Walking the dog.

What about you?
I really can't do or can't appreciate most of those things, anymore, and I'll never listen to music with headphones again, or really even listen to much music anymore at all, but I do exercise most days, preferably biking in nice weather. My best years appear to be well behind me, even though I'm only recently retired over 11 months ago. Sometimes you have big plans of a wonderful retirement, and then life happens.
Exercise, so I can maintain my health and golf game, last six rounds all between 77-85 and on five different courses. Been retired going on nineteen years, turning seventy-three next month and just trying my best to keep the old body from degenerating. If you ain't got your health, you ain't got nothing.
I spend more time in my new office, which is on my deck, reading, thinking and catching up with friends and family.
I do more of these things, that I like:
-attend live sports
-attend live music concerts
-give to charity
-work in my yard
-grill meat
-plan meals
-read, pray, contemplate

I do less of these which I do not enjoy:
-get up early
-appointments or meetings in the morning
-think negatively
I continue to spend a few months on the mainland each summer. I live those months in my old home town in order to stay connected to old friends and remain close to my extended family.
I keep doing the things I have done all my life. I have been a person that always wants to be busy. I always seem to find things that need to be done and I take on projects that I never have done before. I have a ranch that I spend a lot of time at, and I work very hard there at times because I love the work and being in nature.

When you love what you do it isn't work and the benefits, I receive from that type of activity is good for the soul.

I think about some of my outdoor activities I do and someday I maybe won't be able to do them. That thought is very depressing.

So, I enjoy biking, hiking, fishing, hunting, reading, gardening volunteering and yard work.

I try not to complain, I try not to get in a hurry, that more time for friends/family, give thanks and enjoy the outdoors more, like it will be my last day.
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Start the day with a dawn patrol Jeep ride to town for a Diet Pepsi. Then a combination of woodworking, hiking, biking, running, yard work, and photography throughout the day. Maybe some kayaking, misc projects and target shooting. Come in for supper around 6 pm and then spend a few hours on the computer or YouTubes researching interests. Unless we are on a road trip. It's a great life.
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I really can't do or can't appreciate most of those things, anymore, and I'll never listen to music with headphones again, or really even listen to much music anymore at all, but I do exercise most days, preferably biking in nice weather. My best years appear to be well behind me, even though I'm only recently retired over 11 months ago. Sometimes you have big plans of a wonderful retirement, and then life happens.
I'm sorry to read about your obstacles. I hope for you to find ways to enjoy and make the best of the time ahead.
I really can't do or can't appreciate most of those things, anymore, and I'll never listen to music with headphones again, or really even listen to much music anymore at all, but I do exercise most days, preferably biking in nice weather. My best years appear to be well behind me, even though I'm only recently retired over 11 months ago. Sometimes you have big plans of a wonderful retirement, and then life happens.
Exercise/walking/moving is very important for your health (both mentally and physically). Kudos! I’m always trying to find new ways to enjoy what I have and what I can do.
Although currently sidelined with a minor injury, I normally play and/or teach pickleball 6x weekly for 4 to 5 hours a day.
We go to many local events and movies, swim in our pool, eat out often enough and do some travel.
Meet my circle of friends mostly every day at 7:00 AM for coffee and maybe breakfast. Play golf once per week on average and still shoot my age occasionally (80). Exercise daily andwalk 10,000 steps, like it or not. I have a 2 year old dog that has a lightning bolt in his butt so we play a lot. :2funny:

Just trying to stay healthy and keep up with my age group. Oh, I cut my own grass and do anything around the house that needs doing. I'm blessed to be in such good shape and health at this age, for sure.(y)
Wake up blessed and thankful for every day!

I am healthy and so is my family--today.
I have food to eat and a roof over my head--today.
I work to not stress over the past or worry about the future.
I maintain connections with family and friends. Love, love, love time with family, especially Grandbabies.:love:
Try to get some form of exercise daily, even if it is simply dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, or planting flowers!
I am noticing the aches and pains of an older body, but so happy to be at this point in life and enjoy our retirement. Hope to be around for another 20-30 years. Who knows? One Grandma lived to 100, so I plan for that, just in case.
Work to live with the Attitude of Gratitude.
Meet my circle of friends mostly every day at 7:00 AM for coffee and maybe breakfast. Play golf once per week on average and still shoot my age occasionally (80). Exercise daily andwalk 10,000 steps, like it or not. I have a 2 year old dog that has a lightning bolt in his butt so we play a lot. :2funny:

Just trying to stay healthy and keep up with my age group. Oh, I cut my own grass and do anything around the house that needs doing. I'm blessed to be in such good shape and health at this age, for sure.(y)
I really can't do or can't appreciate most of those things, anymore, and I'll never listen to music with headphones again, or really even listen to much music anymore at all, but I do exercise most days, preferably biking in nice weather. My best years appear to be well behind me, even though I'm only recently retired over 11 months ago. Sometimes you have big plans of a wonderful retirement, and then life happens.

Why can you bike but not listen to music or watch the sunset?
I went to the gym today and walked 2 miles on the treadmill and lifted a few weights. Joined my wife at the pool and listened to music, drank an IPA beer & ate a handful of pretzels 🥨.
Recently FIRE’d, I’m finding my new balance.

Exercise more

Always make time for family, with a focus on using my ability to flex to lean into their increasingly complicated schedules and life issues

Keeping the brain active in a variety of lower velocity professional endeavors (note that I didn’t say j*b or w*rk)

Reading like I mean it.

Spend a lot of time with DW.

Re-connecting with friends/colleagues that I haven’t seen or in some cases spoken with in years or decades.

Connecting with other megacorp alumni with a strict rule that we must talk about things other than megacorp war stories

Catching up on years of Star Trek and shows that were big hits but I missed (Breaking Bad!)

All the VR and gaming that time allows

Things I’m not doing:
^Avoiding those social media platforms is very wise if you want to be happier. I originally got on Facebook for events, but got sucked in for a while. Now avoid it, except for events and marketplace. One could argue that this site might activate that "grass is greener for the other guy" dissatisfier circuit, but we are nicer to each other here, and help each other more than those endless scrolling sites.

I've never lived anywhere where I found a morning coffee group or even an occasional ROMEO group. I go to the brewing club meetings, but that's only once a month.
My best life is pretty simple if I make a point to get to or on the ocean in some form at least six days out of seven. It resets me, and the rest of the day effortlessly flows from there. It's the primary reason we relocated to the coast eight years ago, and as long as I remember to take the ocean in in some form each day, life is deeply satisfying.

Today we're doing a six mile loop from the house, with a stop for coffee midway. And while we do have plans this evening, they are a bonus, as I know I'll have a deep sense of contentment already upon conclusion of our walk.

I could go into all kinds of detail on the terrific lifestyle living where we do delivers, but it's frosting on the cake. The essence of living our best life begins with just putting on our shoes and walking out our door.
7.5 years FIRE'ed, 62 years old, I think I have found a pretty good cadence. We live on a small lake in a 125 year old farm property that is just magic (most days). Have been playing Racquetball for 47 years now, still do 1-2 times a week. Hike in a nearby park most days, enjoy our 3 antique cars, a vintage VW hobby business that I started over 20 years ago. Lots of home improvement/landscaping projects always going on. NEVER bored. Driven always to (at least moderately) have "productive" days. Have been nailing it well for the last few weeks.

I have found that the very best retirement days are a mix of several things, (enjoyable) exercise, productive time improving our living space, tinkering with mechanical stuff/greasy hands, and sitting. And socializing with nearby good friends. And just sitting in a comfortable space enjoying the moment. Add a layer of great food and drink over that, and those are the best days. Even the most interesting things I am attracted to, I don't want to do 8 hours a day. The best days are the ones with a great mix of everything.

But the very best is waking up each morning and knowing that it I want to do NOTHING, I can do that (but I never will). For me, that is the very best of retirement!
7.5 years FIRE'ed, 62 years old, I think I have found a pretty good cadence. We live on a small lake in a 125 year old farm property that is just magic (most days). Have been playing Racquetball for 47 years now, still do 1-2 times a week. Hike in a nearby park most days, enjoy our 3 antique cars, a vintage VW hobby business that I started over 20 years ago. Lots of home improvement/landscaping projects always going on. NEVER bored. Driven always to (at least moderately) have "productive" days. Have been nailing it well for the last few weeks.

I have found that the very best retirement days are a mix of several things, (enjoyable) exercise, productive time improving our living space, tinkering with mechanical stuff/greasy hands, and sitting. And socializing with nearby good friends. And just sitting in a comfortable space enjoying the moment. Add a layer of great food and drink over that, and those are the best days. Even the most interesting things I am attracted to, I don't want to do 8 hours a day. The best days are the ones with a great mix of everything.

But the very best is waking up each morning and knowing that it I want to do NOTHING, I can do that (but I never will). For me, that is the very best of retirement!
Sounds like the "sweet spot" of FIRE. Do what you want to do - don't do what you don't want to do. It doesn't get much better. Thanks for sharing.
My best life is at our mountain cabin. Been here almost a week and it takes 1-2 weeks to acclimate to our 9400' elevation. But it's so peaceful and we have lots to do here between friends and work around the cabin.
Yesterday had BIL and SIL visit and took them up the mountain but had to turn around due to snow still on the trail. Creeks running everywhere.
Still waiting on the baby deer to show up. A few bears have been seen. Hummingbirds are chasing each other off the feeder. Foxes are out. Elk are around but elusive. Sheep will be delivered for their summer pastures soon.
Love it here.
What are you doing to live your best life?
I have made it a goal to sell, throw out or give away at least 5 things a day. I am decluttering my life. I am starting by giving away clothing I probably will never wear again. The one exception is what I call survival clothing. For example, my backpacker down jacket. If we get hit with a power outage in the cold of winter I want to be able to stay warm.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the 5 things are. They could simply be a bunch of old shoe laces. One has to start somewhere.

Too much stuff interferes with life.

I did that about 12 years ago, but new clutter found a way to sneak back into my home.
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We just recently moved and also got rid of a lot of things. It’s amazing how many things you accumulate and never use.
I agree that decluttering is an excellent way to make your FIRE'd life better. Giving your unused stuff to those who don't have enough is the frosting on the cake.
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