
Maybe those of us with rugrats in the right age group (3-5 or so maybe?) can let them listen and then tiptoe out of the room for a few hours...
Is it possible to contract epilepsy and ADD after watching just one silly flash animation on the internet? Cause I think I just did.
Cute 'n Fuzzy Bunny said:
badger badger badger...mushroooom.


For some reason, my wife despises that thing. If I show it to our daughter I will be *lucky* if I end up sleeping on the floor.

Don't ask about the one they did with badgers inserted into a Lord of the Rings scene...
Just got this in an e-mail from DW:

"p.s. Clara LOVES the llama site and requests it
often. Gee . . . thanks. ;-)"
There has to be drugs involved with both of these sights. Or a global conspiracy for social programming, maybe these "innocent" flash animations are subliminally telling us to vote for our incumbent, buy American, report suspicious neighbors...
I think maybe mushrooms had something to do with it... :eek:

How about report suspicious incumbents... :p
Ed_The_Gypsy said:
Dang!  Somebody been smokin' dem Jimson Weed, no?  Maybe little Tansey Ragwort, hmmm?

Nah, that smell is just some rope that caught on fire...
Man, I love that Llama song. I forgot my teenage kids showed it to me last fall. I "rediscovered" it a couple of weeks ago.

If you play it about 25 times in a row, you will start to hear a hidden message... 'Time for me to retire now and become a duck' :D
I buried Paul... :p

Or, to paraphrase George Carlin: Have you heard the new Beatles album? Play it backwards at 78 speed, and it'll screw up your needle...

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