Megyn on the Move

She gets ratings, the only thing that matters. She is tall, blond, attractive, thin, and haughty. Good combination on American TV.

It seems that all of the most talented TV meteorologists are attractive females. Many of the anchors too.

Like many folks, in HS I had a fast food job. I was in the back, sweating my *ss off making burgers, getting burned at the fry station,
stocking/cutting 50lb cubes of shortening, etc. At night, there were the glamorous jobs of cleaning out the maggot-infested floordrain under the ice maker, hauling down the heavy, greasy vent hood filters and cleaning them, etc. The folks doing this work with me were 100% males. On the front line, there were attractive females who smiled at the customers, restocked some cups, and generally talked among themselves. Our pay was the same. Yes, there was discrimination. The management hired people to do the jobs they were best suited for.
As my grizzled manager told me: "It doesn't cost me any more to hire a pretty girl than a plain one." Maybe it >does< cost more for network newsreaders, but somebody thinks it is worth it.
Yeah--a "glass ceiling." Uh, huh.
I was just flipping channels finishing my lunch when seeing the opening of "The Talk". Looks like Megyn will have the 3rd hour of the "Today Show" (What? there are three hours? I'm not a viewer). Now, Matt Lauer "blew a gasket" (not my words) because he wasn't informed ahead of time. But other report that Lauer knew all along but is pretending surprise and the ultimate plan is to boot Savannah Guthrie out but NBC act as though this isn't pre-planned. New soap opera "As the Anchors Turn" :angel:.
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She gets ratings, the only thing that matters. She is tall, blond, attractive, thin, and haughty. Good combination on American TV.


Darn. I thought all the high powered women wanted to be appreciated for their finely honed intellect.

Another beautiful theory destroyed by ugly facts.
It must be what the customers want to see.

It seems that all of the most talented TV meteorologists are attractive females. Many of the anchors too.

On the front line, there were attractive females who smiled at the customers, restocked some cups, and generally talked among themselves. Our pay was the same. .
That Erin Burnett's not too hard on the eyes. Hope they keep her around.
Looks like Fox is going all in on prime time. I'll be interested in seeing how Martha MacCallum does at 7pm but other than that as a moderate conservative they have lost me.
Apparently Alan Greenspan liked her looks well enough. She is 70 years old; few people look their best by then, with an exception here and there.

(You guys really seem to have it in for good-looking women who make big money. Why?)

MSNBC does not seem to be that interested in female looks. Have you gotten a close look @ Andrea Mitchell?

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