Memorial Day Thoughts

My grandfather was in WW 1 and my dad and uncle’s all served in Europe for 4 years during WW2. My ex was in Vietnam. I have the utmost admiration for those that have served and protected us all. Next year when I go to France I will be going to Normandy.
I got to visit one of my uncle's graves last summer in Europe. He has two gravesites over there (long story that I won't go into). It was a very emotional experience, as I was the first family member to ever visit it.
I feel for those who have given their lives and for their families. Thankfully, I have been spared both, and that makes me more grateful.

I sometimes wish that negotiations between countries take place in a special building built just for that. I would locate it at the mass burial sites in Belgium for those who died in WW1. That will remind them what’s at stake. If you’ve been there you know what I mean.
My grandson, Pascal, is named after his 2nd great uncle who as a co-pilot went down on his first bombing run from England to Germany.
We just finished Masters of the Air on Apple TV by Spielberg and Tom Hanks. really brought home what Pascal and the other young men went through. Highly recommend it.
I'm reminded of a flag that was displayed in the auditorium of my old grade school when I was attending. It had a gold star for each former student who had paid the ultimate price during WWII. It had a lot of stars on it. I didn't think a lot about it at the time, but I do now.
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