Mini Golf

By the way, you'll occasionally get some random hiccup where what seems to be the same shot will work once and then wont work the next time. Then it'll work again.

Another interesting may note that depending on where the ball is sitting that you can hit it with a certain amount of strength in one direction, or far harder in the exact opposite direction because you can stretch the cursor farther away. So in some shots that are tough because you cant hit it hard enough in the direction you want....hit it the other way twice as hard...

Texas Proud said:
Can't figure out hole 10 at all....

That ones easy. You're going to hit it off the end of the uppermost 'bar' sticking out on the right side so it bounces off the end and then into the cup. You just have to find the right angle, which is darn close to the bottom front of the 'tee area'.
Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
That ones easy. You're going to hit it off the end of the uppermost 'bar' sticking out on the right side so it bounces off the end and then into the cup. You just have to find the right angle, which is darn close to the bottom front of the 'tee area'.

Thanks CFB... I was thinking that was it, but could not seem to hit it... would get it stuck in the small middle or hit it high and it would come back.. still working on it (at work of course!!)
I guess the really good news is that most of us arent working, so this isnt hitting the GDP.

Most of us...arent working...right? ;)

Much like real golf...

A stiff shaft and a smooth stroke gets it in the hole every time.

God Bless America..


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