My 65th Birthday Gift: A Half Marathon


Recycles dryer sheets
Jul 17, 2007
After retiring early (okay, only 1.5 years ago), I turned 65 last Saturday. To celebrate, I ran the St. George (Utah) Half Marathon (slow, 2:17) with five of my family (two sons, a daughter, a DIL, and a SIL). I'm thankful to be healthy enough to still run and enjoy it.
Congratulations! I think the older I get, the MORE I have to move. I walk around the lake twice a week and go to the gym 3 times a week for cardio and resistance work. I'm going to try to add swimming laps tomorrow at the gym.
Congratulations and welcome!

There are a number of runners on the board and there have been a couple of running threads.

I'm a few years younger than you (52) and do a half dozen to a dozen 5ks, 10ks, and sprint distance tri's a year.

My last half was about 15 years ago and my last full marathon was in 2000.

Congratulations, what a great way to celebrate your birthday!
Congrats! It's neat to make it a family affair too! 2:17 isn't all that slow.

I'm a bit young (48) and nuttier. I'm running a 50 mile trail race next Saturday.
Congratulations! I'm 52 and probably couldn't run three blocks. :p
Thanks for the comments. I'm glad to see other old geezers who are still active. I've already have on my 2010 calendar two more half marathons, two marathons (with a goal of qualifying for Boston, again, in one of them), and an Olympic-length triathlon. It'll be a fun 66th year of my life.
Oh, and thanks for "welcoming" me to the forum, but something happened about a year ago that set my post count back to 7. I was up in the 50s before that. Maybe it happened when I changed my username from WithAllMyHeart to my current one.
Congratulations Scott, you inspire some of us to great things :flowers: (there are plenty around who, when they feel like they need exercise, lie down until the feeling goes away).
Congrats! That is a very respectable time for a 1/2! Happy Birthday to you!
Congrats. I would be able to walk it, but not run.
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