Never did it, not even once

NW-Bound: I'm just guessing here... But I think the difference from nicotine to percocet or alcohol is the physical effects.

nicotine withdrawal can make you antsy and mad.

alcohol withdrawal can kill you. D.T.s are a medical emergency. So, if one drinks enough, one will start having some shakes (not DTs), and may want to have some hair of the dog. This continues enough that when they stop next time, they may have DTs or perhaps seizures and other nasty stuff.

Similar for the painkillers, although there I think it is more psychological. You hear that people on painkillers have severe rebound pain which drives them nuts.
My experience with drugs was more along the line of Steve Jobs'. After four years of total immersion, I walked away with a positive trip. Maybe not so life changing as his. LSD and DMT were the most intense - a regular Lawn Mower Man thrill ride.
I never injected heroin.
I found it strange that many posters found that my lifestyle is strange.

Take for example the one-night stand. We were married when we were both 24, but we knew each other since 20. Before we dated, there were a couple of short years when I could have a wild life, but I didn't or couldn't. Working part-time while going to school and being broke did not leave one with a lot of time for partying, or landing those one-night stands.

And ever since I knew my wife, in all these years, what would I get from a fling to risk all that we have had together? The care she has given me, particularly the current time that I have been sick? My wife is not a woman like Hillary, Jackie Kennedy, or that guy Wiener's wife who would suffer a philanderer. And no, she does not care to frequent this forum, though she knows my screen name and that I often spend a lot of time here. Whether she reads what I write here or not, it has no bearing.

So, perhaps I am in the minority in today's society. I was still surprised that for being old-fashioned, I became a saint!

About not driving fast and obeying traffic laws, I should not have mentioned that since the thread is about "never, not only once". It is not about "now", so what I mentioned was not appropriate. At this age, I get no thrill from speed. And I mellow down enough to see that traffic laws make sense to cut down on the mayhem careless motorists cause to the bystanders. I got a bit less foolish with age. Don't we all?
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I had a misspent youth so a lot of the dumb stuff people do when their young - I did. I also like a good cup of coffee and a cocktail on occasion. Most everything on the list - I've done... except:
- jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.
- Been south of the equator. (Hope to fix that in retirement.)
- Been in jail. But I was a defendant at a jury trial for vice charges. Thank goodness for the jury's decision to acquit and the judge's order of 'factual innocence".
- and for the the girly stuff - never worn fake eyelashes nor had plastic surgery to enhance/augment... which is pretty common in San Diego.

I've never broken a bone in a traditional sense... but I crushed an index finger and when I blew out my my knee in a motorcycle accident - it pulled a bone splinter off my knee cap... I guess, technically those were broken bones.

I'm a big believer in moderation... so while I tried various vices. I didn't continue them. except coffee and the occasional cocktail or glass of wine.

But man - I'm a sinner/heathen/floozy compared to all of you.
Here are some additional common things that I have not done, looking at other posts.

13) Break a bone
14) Have a tattoo

NW-Bound: I'm just guessing here... But I think the difference from nicotine to percocet or alcohol is the physical effects.

nicotine withdrawal can make you antsy and mad.

alcohol withdrawal can kill you. D.T.s are a medical emergency. So, if one drinks enough, one will start having some shakes (not DTs), and may want to have some hair of the dog. This continues enough that when they stop next time, they may have DTs or perhaps seizures and other nasty stuff.

Similar for the painkillers, although there I think it is more psychological. You hear that people on painkillers have severe rebound pain which drives them nuts.

As an ex-smoker, I kept denying that I was not addicted. Yet, when I looked forward to smoking within 1/2 to 1 hr of waking up, it was the sign of dependency. As I compared notes with others in the thread that I mentioned, I eventually quit cold-turkey with no patches, no gums, no self-help books, while some people needed a lot of aids. The physiological effects if any were so mild for me, that I thought perhaps the dependency was more psychological for me. But whatever it is, I have not smoked for 10 years, and smoke bothers me now.

About DT (Delirium Tremens), I happened to read about it recently. I had not known that alcohol withdrawal effect could be so severe that it kills. Still, I wonder how people get themselves into that state in the first place.

About pain killer abuse, I can understand why wounded soldiers or people recuperating from major surgeries get hooked. But why do healthy normal people get started in the first place? And again, they must really overdose to get high, because I did not feel euphoric or anything other than less physical pain.

PS. By the way, is there such a thing as caffeine addiction? If so, I certainly do not have it. Though I used to drink 2-3 cups a day, I cut it all out, for the reason I wanted to sleep away the pain. Never missed it, and at this point, I can resume coffee drinking but have not.
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I just thought of a couple of things that I've NEVER...

I've never cheated on my husband, or any other person I was in a committed relationship with. I'm pretty darn monogamous.
About pain killer abuse, I can understand why wounded soldiers or people recuperating from major surgeries get hooked. But why do healthy normal people get started in the first place? And again, they must really overdose to get high, because I did not feel euphoric or anything other than less physical pain.

The use of pain killers like Oxy can be the result of moving up from alcohol or pot into this narcotic because of the need for a "better" high. A lot of times, Oxy is mixed with Soma (a muscle relaxant) for even a better high.

A few years ago, I watched a neighbor at age 50 have a back operation and get prescribed pain killers (Oxy). He was off work for several months and had taken enough pain killers to hook himself severely. He eventually lost his job (couldn't travel on business) and continued with the painkillers. The doctors kept supplying him with them! He told me when we were at the neighborhood mailbox one day that no matter how hard he tried, he could not get off the pain killers. When he tried, he would have serious reactions and convulsions. Eventually, his wife divorced him, they lost their house and the kids left. I ran into him in Houston one day. He was a mess. Very sad story. This is more common than you think.

So that's how one person person gets hooked on pain killers.

We have two family members currently hooked on pain killers (oxy and Vicodin). They have been hooked for years and what they go through to get pills is incredible. It's not a good story. These are well paid professionals.

There is an epidemic in this country of people that are so hooked on these narcotics that they will do most anything to get pills from "Pill Houses" if they run out of doctors to write new prescriptions. If you really want to know more about this nationwide problem, just Google it. Here is a little article about it

Prescription Drug Abuse — OxyContin Drug Abuse
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How did we go from a sports talk radio host who never ate a waffle to a messed up divorced drug addict in Houston?
Several people mentioned tattoos. I often thought of getting one, but never did. Was afraid I'd a) end up with bunches b) grow tired of them.

I never understood any poem that didn't rhyme. And, the only poem that I understood that did rhyme was "Casey at the Bat."
I have never eaten lobster
I have never ridden a jet ski
I have never jumped out of an airplane (although I did bungee jump once)
I have never ice skated
I have never been deer hunting (but I did hunt small game when I was younger)
I have never fathered a male child (3 girls)
I have never tweeted
I have never been a Boy Scout
I have never bounced a check
I have never been in jail
I have never used an ATM and I have no tattoos. It surprises me that so many on this forum have not drunk coffee. Perhaps someone from the coffee industry needs to see this thread and rethink their marketing strategies.
I have never

15) tweeted, nor had a Facebook account
16) been to the moon, nor Mars.

OK, OK, that last one 16) is ridiculous. If I said I had never had a hamburger or pizza, then that would be something noteworthy.

How about this?

17) been given a sobriety test.
18) been in jail, or in the back seat of a patrol car. Heck, I have not even been in the front seat of a police car, nor the driver seat.

Then, I thought perhaps 95% of US citizens have not had any serious infraction with the law either. So, are my claims 17) and 18) really that unique?
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I have never

15) tweeted, nor had a Facebook account
16) been to the moon, nor Mars.

OK, OK, that last one 16) is ridiculous. If I said I had never had a hamburger or pizza, then that would be something noteworthy.

How about this?

17) been given a sobriety test.
18) been in jail, or in the back seat of a patrol car. Heck, I have not even been in the front seat of a police car, nor the driver seat.

Then, I thought perhaps 95% of US citizens have not had any serious infraction with the law either. So, are my claims 17) and 18) really that unique?

I've been in the back of a police car! I did a volunteer stint with the police once during an educational program and got to accompany officers on several patrols. It was relatively boring, but when we were stopped at traffic lights, you could see people looking at me and wondering what offense I was being taken to jail for. :D
To borrow from an earlier poster, I have never

[-]19) bounced a check.[/-]

Oops! I did bounce a check 33 years ago. One time, and one only.

It was for our wedding cake, which was placed through my mom to someone she knew. While on our honeymoon, we learned from my mom that due to delay in depositing my last paycheck, the check for the cake bounced. We later apologized and made it up by paying for the fee that the cake maker's bank levied.

[-]19) robbed anyone[/-]

No, I did not cross it out because I did rob someone. :eek:

I really truly have not robbed anyone. It's just that robbery is not something most people would do.
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I've been in the back of a police car! I did a volunteer stint with the police once during an educational program and got to accompany officers on several patrols. It was relatively boring, but when we were stopped at traffic lights, you could see people looking at me and wondering what offense I was being taken to jail for. :D
Nowadays, an acquaintance, coworker, or neighbor of yours could have taken a snapshot with their smartphone, and you would find your picture on the Web!
I have not ever not been sea sick every time I've been out on the ocean--from a rowboat to a fishing boat to a cruise ship. Luckily the cruise ship sea sickness only lasted a few hours. The fishing boat sea sickness went on for 7-8 hours, but seemed way longer. I was in high school at the time. I remember I really wanted that boat to sink.
PS. By the way, is there such a thing as caffeine addiction? If so, I certainly do not have it. Though I used to drink 2-3 cups a day, I cut it all out, for the reason I wanted to sleep away the pain. Never missed it, and at this point, I can resume coffee drinking but have not.
YES. Unfortunately. I am there. I discovered this after a literally a year of headache Sundays. I only drank coffee at work and skipped it on weekends. Every Sunday, during the pastor's sermon, I got a headache. Thought it was the sermon. Nope. Caffeine withdrawal. A headache is the most common symptom. There are some other symptoms which I guess are like very mild nicotine withdrawal (don't know, haven't been there, but what other people describe is close).

Otherwise, NW-Bound, I think you are pretty normal regarding the other stuff. I don't think running around with one-night stands and affairs is normal either. And I've lost my desire to speed also.

As a matter of fact, I've never had a traffic ticket. Not even once.
I have not ever not been sea sick every time I've been out on the ocean--from a rowboat to a fishing boat to a cruise ship. Luckily the cruise ship sea sickness only lasted a few hours. The fishing boat sea sickness went on for 7-8 hours, but seemed way longer. I was in high school at the time. I remember I really wanted that boat to sink.

Just the opposite for me. I've never been seasick... in a dinghy, skiff, sailboat, fishing boat, ferry, freighter, cruise ship, or on a windsurfer.
I will just put down things that people are often surprised about or would be surprised about:

* I have never smoked anything, ingested an illegal drug, never had a sip of alcohol until I was 30, and I don't think I have ever been drunk, just buzzed.

* I have traveled all over the world and the USA, but I have never been to New York City

* I have never changed a diaper

* I have never owned a US brand vehicle

* I have never been married

I don't really plan to change any of these things, except that I would like to go New York City some day.
I have never drank a cup of coffee. I have never watched a soccer game. I have never paid more than $24k for a new vehicle! :) Oh...does I have never been arrested count?

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