New Dog


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Nov 27, 2014
Got a text from DD yesterday. Her husband’s sister was going to take their dog to the humane society by noon if no one took it. We took one look at the picture and couldn’t say no.


She’s a Havanese and ended up being a purebred puppy at three months old. They have two kids under 2 and at least one cat and it’s winter here in Michigan. Really no wonder they couldn’t handle it. It’s no fun training a dog in the winter.

Oh well, I wasn’t looking for a dog but was open to one in the future. I guess the future unfolds at its will and you either go for it our you don’t. We went for it. Not that it was a factor, but I soon realized that we got a dog that they probably paid around $1500 or more for. No wonder they shed a tear when they said goodbye to the dog. That hurt personally and financially. Ouch. Well, we’re glad it didn’t go to the pound, though I doubt it would have been there a day.

Haven’t figured out what to name her yet, but Annabel is raising to the top of our list. The previous owners called her Darla, from the little rascals. That’s not too bad either.

I guess I now have a project for the winter. The weather looks bad the next couple days, so this should get interesting. I think I’m up for it. I wouldn’t have considered this at all if I was still working. Wish me and DW luck!
Good on you for getting the dog. I suppose you have had dogs in the past, so you are familiar with the training. You will get far more from the dog than you give to the dog. Enjoy your new family member.
What an angelic looking pup whom I'm certain will be ball of pure joy. So glad and thankful you've rescued her.
She is a beautiful dog. Good luck getting her trained. Annabel is lucky to go home with you.
What a cutie. We saw one in the wild last week and DW is very interested in the breed.
If they got the dog from a reputable breeder the breeder would have taken the dog back.
Good for you to have scooped her up, she adorable and the breed are fun and easy to train.
My SIL is a vet and the breed she chose for herself is a Havanese. Congratulations, should be a wonderful companion.
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That's a great little dog. If you're looking for a way to fill time, check out your local dog club for some training and socializing classes. They're like elementary school for a child -- you will have a better, happier pet.
The clubs can also be a nice social outlet for the humans.
What a great post to read as I start the morning. Made my day. She is beautiful.

I pretty much cannot imagine life without a dog. We got our current Westie in late Dec. 2013, just in time to potty train her during the Polar Vortex winter. It was worth it.
I would love to have such a dog.

I inherited my daughter's 135 pound rottweiler, and we rescued a pair of kitties. One precocious cat and the dog wake me up at 3:00 am religiously to play with them.
Dogs are good for people, in many ways. We just lost our 14-year old yellow lab about 3 weeks ago, and I miss him every day. I'm sure we will get another dog eventually, but not right away.
What a cutie! Congrats! I remember when in Indiana, shovelling snow for a bare spot in the back yard for Maya. Today, Maya is on her last leg. Friends say let her have cheeseburgers and be happy. Can't imagine life without my best friend. SO glad you rescued this girl.
We have had poodles,Shipoos,and Shitzus in the past and all were great. My DW was talking last week about she would love to have another dog but not a puppy to train. I told her we might go to a rescue place and find something, but she is hesitant. We would need something that doesn't shed, which is why we had the previous breeds. That little girl looks adorable and will probably make y'all a great companion, Congrats to you.
Good for you. DC vets are buried under "pandemic puppies." I fear a lot of them will go to shelters when people return to work and school. We have an 8 month old Golden Retriever pup, but she is our 6th so we know what we are getting into.
Good for you.

We're in between dogs right now. Lost our Golden in 2016 at 13.

DW talks about getting another but we have 4 grand dogs and I tell her that we should just borrow one once in a while. And, we want to be ready in case we get a call that someone can't handle their dog. Similar to what you did for your family.
Dogs are good for people, in many ways. We just lost our 14-year old yellow lab about 3 weeks ago, and I miss him every day. I'm sure we will get another dog eventually, but not right away.

Sorry about your lab. I have gone through that a few times with labs. I usually wait a year or more before finding my new pal. It was two years this last time but have had my latest (Tilly) for about 8 months.
What a cutie! If you haven't got one, get a crate for training her. There will be accidents of course but potty training is a must and a crate is helpful for that. Good luck!
So cute! Annabel fits.
Enjoy your fur baby
Cute dog. We need something like that to happen to us. We have been looking for a dog for awhile and keep on applying through the SPCA but so far no luck.
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