New Eye Drop Vuity to eliminate need for reading glasses

Reading glasses and bifocals aren’t that bad - especially compared to $86 per month.
Or if you don't mind reading on an electronic reader, the font can be jacked-up to 'huge', as I've seen when DW reads (I don't have an e-reader).
My father was SO happy when I taught him that trick!

Isnt that trick hilarious? It can almost make a blind man see without aid. Im reading this while walking on my treadmill. Took my readers off and cant see the words from about 3 ft away. Look through the pin hole, and its like my eyes at 30 again. Nobody is able to look at me so I dont look like an idiot doing it for a few seconds, ha.
Reading glasses and bifocals aren’t that bad - especially compared to $86 per month.
I have computer (mid-distance) glasses sitting at the two desks where I use my computer. I have reading classes at the three or four places I sit to read plus I have a pair in my travel kit. I get them updated each time my prescription changes/every few years, and I typically pay $25/2 pair on the various internet glasses sites; I am not fussy about frames so the "on-sale" ones are fine.

No way would I pay $86 for (I guess) the vanity aspect to not wearing reading glasses.

Don’t like needing eye glasses as you age?, supposedly the eye drops above will temporarily fix the problem (for about 6 hours).
Curious if anyone has tried it.
I remember in Star Trek movie Kirk has to wear reading glasses because he’s allergic to some magic medicine. Life imitating art?
I believe they work by reducing pupil size and thus increasing one's depth of field. I can see this working in bright light. At night, perhaps it's not so good. Time will tell.
Several years ago some people told me about eye drops used in the optometrist/ophthalmologist office to reverse the effects of the eye dilation done in the office.
When I asked about it at the eye dr they said “oh we stopped using that because it wasn’t good for your eyes.”
I would be afraid these drops would be the same.
I'd keep my glasses for everything else, but very exciting to me as a snorkeling fan. Custom making a snorkeling mask with my progressive RX is very expensive, plus I have a very hard face to fit properly without leaking. Very few masks available I've tried that work.

I could use these drops to snorkel for an hour or two and enjoy clear sight on everything with my trusty mask that fits great vs settling for "okay" vision/occasional blurriness.

This would be awesome for underwater activities - or fast moving sports where glasses can feel like a hindrance.

But as a conservative soul, I'm gonna let others be the guinea pig for a while. I want better understanding of long term/side effects of this medication.
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I imagine these are only for people with normal distance vision. The rest of us need too many other corrections (distance, astigmatism etc.) that these drops could affect.

'VUITY does not treat other eye conditions such as astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness. People with existing eye defects will need to hang onto their prescribed eyewear for corrections – and may not benefit much from VUITY.

'“The drops are meant for mild to intermediate cases and won’t be as effective for people aged 65 and older,” said George Waring, the principal investigator of a VUITY clinical trial.'
I imagine these are only for people with normal distance vision. The rest of us need too many other corrections (distance, astigmatism etc.) that these drops could affect.

'VUITY does not treat other eye conditions such as astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness. People with existing eye defects will need to hang onto their prescribed eyewear for corrections – and may not benefit much from VUITY.

'“The drops are meant for mild to intermediate cases and won’t be as effective for people aged 65 and older,” said George Waring, the principal investigator of a VUITY clinical trial.'

Im intrigued by it, but already long in tooth at age 57 for this. And then they say it works about 6 hours. That seems just long enough to get me in trouble somewhere when it wears off… at the wrong time most likely and without readers nearby. I need a 12 hour squirt, not 6 hours.
I got my first glasses when I was about 7 yo, and first contacts about 14 yo.
This won't work for me. Good news is I am totally used to contacts and glasses.
Several years ago some people told me about eye drops used in the optometrist/ophthalmologist office to reverse the effects of the eye dilation done in the office.
When I asked about it at the eye dr they said “oh we stopped using that because it wasn’t good for your eyes.”
I would be afraid these drops would be the same.

I heard an eye doc discussing it on the radio and he was not for it, he listed a few reasons against, that I don't remember now.
On the other hand, I'm sure eye doctors are against where contacts for 30 days, but I have done it for more than 10 years.

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