New York City Guarantees Healthcare for All Residents

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So the annual cost to ensure the 300,000 is $333/person. I wonder how good that coverage will be and how long the program can sustain itself if the members have serious health issues?
I sure am glad I am no longer a NYC taxpayer supporting this nonsense.
I sure am glad I am no longer a NYC taxpayer supporting this nonsense.


Exactly why I left NYC. I had trouble affording my own health insurance. Now I have to pay even more for the health care of people in the country illegally? No thanks.
Probably not a popular opinion but I love it when the impossible is challenged. I'm not sure if it's as impossible as we think. After all when all we have is incorrect information to judge the cost of anything, how do you know? It's not impossible until it's tried and failed many times. Maybe then all it needs is new ideas.
Probably not a popular opinion but I love it when the impossible is challenged. I'm not sure if it's as impossible as we think. After all when all we have is incorrect information to judge the cost of anything, how do you know? It's not impossible until it's tried and failed many times. Maybe then all it needs is new ideas.

Feel free to write a check out of your own pocket to foot the bill for illegal aliens' medical expenses. Stay the hell away from mine.
Let it be said, I do not agree with illegals getting health care at the cost of citizens, that is where these programs generate distain from legal immigrants and natural born citizens. However, I do believe whole heartily healthcare is a right to legal immigrants and citizens and should be affordable. The ONLY way to do this is with a basic healthcare provided to all those who pay taxes. I do not understand why Americans cannot subscribe to that. Coming and experiencing European and Canadian style systems, that I have actually participated in, I know it works. Non of these counties have an issue with bankruptcy caused by health care costs, but it is the main cause here in the usa.
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Note that the article references a single payer program that the Ny state legislature may take up.

California May make similar moves, though it would involve he state getting access to the federal money for programs like Medicare and Medicaid for CA residents.

Of course the Republicans in charge in Wash8ngton aren’t going to cooperate with th Democratic Governor of CA.

Eventually health care may come to a head, forcing Washington to take action.
The likely action the feddle gubmint would take is cutting off Medicaid funding to California.
Totally ridiculous in my book. Did anyone read the referenced article about California? I just don't understand how it makes sense to pay for illegal immigrants health care. 1.8 million out of 3 million uninsured.

California is losing its middle class because of these policies. Hubby and I have started to discuss where we will move if Mr. N. Succeeds if further destroying California.

Apparently no one believes History, or doesn't care because all they want is FREE.
They haven’t committed to covering undocumented people, except maybe people under 26 regardless of status.
I am not familiar with the details of the proposal but keep in mind the fact that the insured are already paying for emergency care for the poor uninsured. Those uninsured are basically suit-proof, good luck collecting medical bills from them. Better to offer cheap basic health care policy that they could purchase, at least they are throwing pennies into the pot.
"About 300,000 uninsured people, de Blasio said, are eligible to enroll in health plans on the New York State insurance exchange but can't afford the plans or have chosen not to buy coverage. "

People that have chosen not to buy coverage to be covered? Why should the taxpayers pay for them? I also question the people that "can't afford" health insurance. Most lower income people won't pay much if anything for these plans. They need to be educated, not to be allowed to feed at the public trough.

The other 300,000 are illegal immigrants. Here is what they get:

"A customer service system will be built to help guide them to the healthcare services they need, Katz said. "

What's that? A guide on how to use the emergency rooms more efficiently?
Another Reader;2171474 "A customer service system will be built to help guide them to the healthcare services they need said:
Hopefully run by ICE.
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