Nominate Your Favorite 2008 Thread


Moderator Emeritus
Jun 11, 2007
At The Cafe
It may be a little too early to review the year, but once I get into the holiday grog I might not be able to write a coherent post.

A stand out thread that comes to mind is one of HaHa’s far out “what I did today” stories. It was a nice vicarious description since many on this forum live in detached houses and seldom hear their neighbor’s comings and goings. The gist of the OP on the thread was that he heard his female neighbor having an extremely impressive orgasm at 11 a.m.

Do you find any threads particularly memorable?
I'm sure I'm forgetting some great ones. The ones that come to mind first:

Deism : We covered some pretty sensitive territory in this thread, and it stayed civil. (Technically it was a 2007 thread, but right at the end of the year).

Who Knows about Milk: Okay, also a 2007 thread, but was fun

Seventy Cents to hold the beef: Talk about a tempest n a teapot, this was one. Dang, it was another late 2007 thread. I know we turned out some classics in 2008. I didn't bother to review the political threads--too much heat.

T-Al spawned the last two of these. He's a muckraker! They sounded innocent enough at first . . .
...Dang, it was another late 2007 thread. I know we turned out some classics in 2008....

You have a good memory. I remember one of those as a classic. Let's open this up to 2007 as well as some (arguably) think it was a better year.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some great ones. The ones that come to mind first:

Deism : We covered some pretty sensitive territory in this thread, and it stayed civil. (Technically it was a 2007 thread, but right at the end of the year).

I forgot about that Deism thread . I think it shows what type of group we have here at this site. so I'm voting for that one! Of course, I'm partial because it's mine.
I forgot about that Deism thread . I think it shows what type of group we have here at this site. so I'm voting for that one! Of course, I'm partial because it's mine.

I'll second that - the Deism thread was a very interesting one - one of the best. Plus, it validated my feeling about the 'ignore' function - I don't use it, because you never know who might come up with what. Hope that didn't come across harshly, but it's probably no secret that I didn't care for some of thefed's other posts - but that was a great thread. Gotta give him credit for that one. Gotta keep an open mind about people.

So, as long as we can vote for our own threads :cool: .... I got a lot out of other's contributions to this one, which was really a take-off from a HaHa thread:

HaHa's start on it...

Other than that, I think it is the whole combination of things, not too many one-hit wonders in the 2008 list for me, or maybe it depends on the day. I did enjoy the 'favorite music videos' also.

I just read my post. I should have printed it out and put it on the wall. Maybe then I'd have remembered to stay safe. :p


When I saw that 20% drawdown number that you associated with that mean old 'bear' of 1987 - I was thinking, that was no bear, that was just a cute little kitten. :(

Yep, I'm wishing I had been more conservative, but I know that wishing gets you nowhere. Need to learn from the conditions that led to the wishing. I was thinking re-balancing is the key, but I see that is no magic bullet either. You can give up a lot of upside along the way. But I still think that rebalancing is good to keep the emotions in check, while generally being a good thing (but not always 'great') in pure financial terms also.

Too many to pick one, but my (probable) favorite was in the soon to be eliminated Soapbox so no point in naming it...
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