Not really early, but I am retiring this week.

Kick back and and have fun!
Hey you're retiring early enough :). Congrats and enjoy!
Awesome! Put your feet up and enjoy. Stay healthy and everything will be good.
Congrats to the OP and all others pulling the plug. This forum is a treasure trove of info and of folks in the same boat and able to share thoughts and experiences. Retirement can be scary so always good to have a source for advice and tips….
Welcome to an awesome stage in life. I retired at 58, consulted part-time for almost two years, and one day said to myself, "I don’t want anyone else controlling my time anymore" and fully retired at 60. That was over two years ago, and retirement is AWESOME!

I’ve lost almost 30 lbs, my resting pulse has dropped 13 bpm, my sleep quality has improved immensely, I’ve started several new hobbies that I love, my eating is much healthier, I exercise 5-6 hrs/week instead of none, I’m filled with gratitude, and I have the freedom to be there for the people I love when they need extra support. COVID taught DP and me that we can have happy, fulfilling lives while spending less money than in the before-Covid times (turns out restaurants, travel, plays, concerts, etc. weren’t as important to our happiness as we had thought - YMMV).

Have a blast!
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